Some presentations
The Reasonable Ineffectiveness of Data. SweDS2018, Nov 20, 2018.
MACHINE LEARNING - Vad och Varför. Plenary talk at Medicinsktekniska dagarna, Nov 10, 2018.
Learning in robotics - a biased overview
Vad är rätt och fel för krigsrobotar?
What is right and wrong for war robots?
Terminator ethics - What's right and wrong for battlefields robots?
Dangerous over-confidence in AI that so far is too unintelligent. DN Debatt Oct. 8, 2018
I am coordinating the H2020 project SOCRATES, with 15 PhD students employed at 7 universities and research organizations.
Patent granted for the Intelligent Rollator: SE 535373
We participated in CROPS, and SWEEPER, both EU funded projects aiming at developing agricultural robots.
I coordinated the project Intelligent Robotics 2010-2014 INTRO, an EU funded robotics project with members from Israel, Germany, England, France and Belgium.
Ohh right, I also have a Erdös-Bacon-Sabbath number ≤ 13