Package learner

Interface Summary
Teacher Models a Minimal Adequate Teacher; an oracle capable of answering equivalence and membership queries.

Class Summary
AutomaticTeacher Implements the interface Teacher, and uses an fta to represent the target language.
CartesianFTA A cartesian FTA simply consists of two regular FTA's which are run in parallell.
DirectedAcyclicGraph The Directed Acyclic Graph represents a set of trees as a pointer structure, and can thus avoid storing multiple copies of identical (sub)trees.
FiniteTreeAutomata The class FiniteTreeAutomata realises the abstract machine Finite Tree Automaton, an instance of which recognises a certain regular tree language.
Language A set of languages with different characteristics that are used to test the Learner.
Layout A utility class to format output.
Learner The Learner, an algorithm for MAT learning of a regular tree language.
ObservationTable An observation table consists of sets of trees S and R which represents states and transitions, respectively, and a set of contexts C to tell the trees in S apart.
RankedSymbol The class RankedSymbol mimics the abstact data type ranked symbol, which consists of a symbol and a natural number.
Run Contains the main method.
Scribe Another utility class which monitors how many time different resources, such as membership and equivalence queries, are used during a run of the Learner.
StopWatch A utility lass mimicking a stopwatch.
Transition The class Transition represents a rewriting.
TransitionTable The class TransitionTable allows for search and organisation of a set of transitions.
Tree Represents ordered, labelled trees.