Interface Teacher

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Teacher

Models a Minimal Adequate Teacher; an oracle capable of answering equivalence and membership queries.

Method Summary
 Tree equivalence(FiniteTreeAutomata FTA)
          If the provided FTA does not accept exactly the target language, the a counter example is provided, otherwise the function returns null.
 boolean membership(Tree t)
          Answers wether or not the provided tree is a member of the target language.

Method Detail


Tree equivalence(FiniteTreeAutomata FTA)
If the provided FTA does not accept exactly the target language, the a counter example is provided, otherwise the function returns null.

FTA - A FiniteTreeAutomata that is supposed to recognise the target language.
A counter example, if such exists, otherwise null.


boolean membership(Tree t)
Answers wether or not the provided tree is a member of the target language.

t - The labelled tree whose membership is to be determined.
A boolean, namely true if t t is a member of the target language, and false if it is not (or, if it is null).