accepts(Tree) - Method in class learner.CartesianFTA
accepts(Tree) - Method in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
The method accepts returns true if the argument is in the language, and otherwise false.
add(Transition) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
Adds a transtion to the transition set.
add(String, Vector<String>, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
Constructs a transition from the arguments and adds it to the transition set.
add(String, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
An abbreviation for add(String, Vector, String).
add(String, String, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
add(String, String, String, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
add(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
add(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
add(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
add(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
addState(Tree) - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
addTransition(Tree) - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
AutomaticTeacher - Class in learner
Implements the interface Teacher, and uses an fta to represent the target language.
AutomaticTeacher(FiniteTreeAutomata) - Constructor for class learner.AutomaticTeacher
Creates and initializes a new teacher.


basic() - Static method in class learner.Language
brief() - Static method in class learner.Scribe


CartesianFTA - Class in learner
A cartesian FTA simply consists of two regular FTA's which are run in parallell.
CartesianFTA(FiniteTreeAutomata, FiniteTreeAutomata) - Constructor for class learner.CartesianFTA
Constructs a new Caretesian FTA from two regular FTAs.
CartesianFTA.CartesianState - Class in learner
Another utility class, contains a tuple of regular states.
CartesianFTA.CartesianState(String, String) - Constructor for class learner.CartesianFTA.CartesianState
ceSize - Static variable in class learner.Scribe
clone() - Method in class learner.RankedSymbol
clone() - Method in class learner.Tree
cntEquivalence - Static variable in class learner.Scribe
cntMembership - Static variable in class learner.Scribe
cntSynthesized - Static variable in class learner.Scribe
compareTo(Object) - Method in class learner.RankedSymbol
Comparasion function
complete() - Method in class learner.ObservationTable
Includes dag.getTransitions() with rows not matched by any state in the set of dag.getStates().
containsState(Tree) - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
containsTransition(Tree) - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
containsTransition2(Tree) - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
contexts() - Static method in class learner.Language


DirectedAcyclicGraph - Class in learner
The Directed Acyclic Graph represents a set of trees as a pointer structure, and can thus avoid storing multiple copies of identical (sub)trees.
DirectedAcyclicGraph() - Constructor for class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph


equals(Object) - Method in class learner.CartesianFTA.CartesianState
equals(Object) - Method in class learner.RankedSymbol
equals(Tree) - Method in class learner.Tree
equals(Object) - Method in class learner.Tree
equivalence(FiniteTreeAutomata) - Method in class learner.AutomaticTeacher
equivalence(FiniteTreeAutomata) - Method in interface learner.Teacher
If the provided FTA does not accept exactly the target language, the a counter example is provided, otherwise the function returns null.
equivClass(Tree) - Method in class learner.ObservationTable
Retrieves the representative tree for the equivalence class to which the input tree belongs.
expressions() - Static method in class learner.Language
extend(Tree, Tree, boolean) - Method in class learner.ObservationTable
Derives a new state & context, or a new transition, from a counterexample.


FiniteTreeAutomata - Class in learner
The class FiniteTreeAutomata realises the abstract machine Finite Tree Automaton, an instance of which recognises a certain regular tree language.
FiniteTreeAutomata(TransitionTable, LinkedHashSet<String>) - Constructor for class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
FiniteTreeAutomata(TransitionTable, LinkedHashSet<String>, String) - Constructor for class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
FiniteTreeAutomata() - Constructor for class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
formulaAndTerms() - Static method in class learner.Language


getAccepting() - Method in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
getCntDagEqual() - Static method in class learner.Scribe
getCntRecursiveEqual() - Static method in class learner.Scribe
getCounterexample() - Method in class learner.CartesianFTA
Find a large tree on which the internal ftas disagree.
getElapsedTime() - Method in class learner.StopWatch
Returns the total elapsed time.
getF() - Method in class learner.Transition
getFTA() - Method in class learner.ObservationTable
getNextState() - Method in class learner.Transition
getQ1() - Method in class learner.CartesianFTA.CartesianState
getQ2() - Method in class learner.CartesianFTA.CartesianState
getRoot() - Method in class learner.Tree
Getter function for the root label.
getSignature() - Method in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
getSignature() - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
Calculates the signature by inspecting the transition table.
getStates() - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
getStates() - Method in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
getStates() - Method in class learner.Transition
getStates() - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
Calculates the set of states used by inspecting the transition table.
getSubtrees() - Method in class learner.Tree
getTable() - Method in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
getTransitions() - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph


hashCode() - Method in class learner.CartesianFTA.CartesianState
hashCode() - Method in class learner.RankedSymbol
hashCode() - Method in class learner.Tree
header() - Static method in class learner.Scribe
hline(String, int) - Method in class learner.Layout
hline() - Method in class learner.Layout


isReusing - Static variable in class learner.Scribe
isRunning - Variable in class learner.StopWatch
Is the stop watch currently running?
isSaving - Static variable in class learner.Scribe


Language - Class in learner
A set of languages with different characteristics that are used to test the Learner.
Language() - Constructor for class learner.Language
Layout - Class in learner
A utility class to format output.
Layout(String, int) - Constructor for class learner.Layout
learn() - Method in class learner.Learner
The main algorithm.
learner - package learner
Learner - Class in learner
The Learner, an algorithm for MAT learning of a regular tree language.
Learner(Teacher) - Constructor for class learner.Learner
Creates a new Learern.
learnerTime - Static variable in class learner.Scribe
line(String) - Method in class learner.Layout
lookup(RankedSymbol, Vector<String>) - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
The function lookup takes as argument the left hand side of a rule and finds the corresponding right hand side.


main(String[]) - Static method in class learner.Run
membership(Tree) - Method in class learner.AutomaticTeacher
membership(Tree) - Method in interface learner.Teacher
Answers wether or not the provided tree is a member of the target language.


name - Variable in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata


ObservationTable - Class in learner
An observation table consists of sets of trees S and R which represents states and transitions, respectively, and a set of contexts C to tell the trees in S apart.
ObservationTable(Teacher) - Constructor for class learner.ObservationTable
Creates a new observation table.


process(Tree, boolean) - Method in class learner.Learner
Extract information from a counterexample
processSavedCounterexamples() - Method in class learner.Learner


randomMonadic() - Static method in class learner.Language
rank - Variable in class learner.RankedSymbol
the rank, a natural number indicating the symbols arity
RankedSymbol - Class in learner
The class RankedSymbol mimics the abstact data type ranked symbol, which consists of a symbol and a natural number.
RankedSymbol(String, int) - Constructor for class learner.RankedSymbol
Constructs a ranked symbol, given an symbol and a rank.
report() - Method in class learner.Learner
Print statistic from the last session to standard out.
reportStateFound() - Static method in class learner.Scribe
reportTransitionFound() - Static method in class learner.Scribe
representative(Tree) - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
representativeState(Tree) - Method in class learner.DirectedAcyclicGraph
reset() - Static method in class learner.Scribe
reset() - Method in class learner.StopWatch
Stops the watch and resets the elapsed time to 0.
root - Variable in class learner.Tree
The ranked symbol that consitutes this node.
run(Tree) - Method in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
Determines the equivalence class of the input tree.
Run - Class in learner
Contains the main method.
Run() - Constructor for class learner.Run


Scribe - Class in learner
Another utility class which monitors how many time different resources, such as membership and equivalence queries, are used during a run of the Learner.
Scribe() - Constructor for class learner.Scribe
setF(RankedSymbol) - Method in class learner.Transition
setNextState(String) - Method in class learner.Transition
setReuseCounterexample(boolean) - Method in class learner.Learner
Decides whether to reuse the counterexamples given.
setSaveCounterexample(boolean) - Method in class learner.Learner
Decides wheter or not to save counterexamples for later use.
setStates(Vector<String>) - Method in class learner.Transition
setVerboose(boolean) - Method in class learner.Learner
simpleEnglish() - Static method in class learner.Language
size() - Method in class learner.Tree
start() - Method in class learner.StopWatch
Starts the stopwatch.
stop() - Method in class learner.StopWatch
Stops the stopwatch.
StopWatch - Class in learner
A utility lass mimicking a stopwatch.
StopWatch() - Constructor for class learner.StopWatch
Constructs a stopwatch that is in the stopped state and has no time accumulated.
subst(Tree) - Method in class learner.Tree
Replaces every occurence of the special symbol "O" with the labelled tree tree.
subtrees - Variable in class learner.Tree
The subtrees of the current node.
symbol - Variable in class learner.RankedSymbol
the symbol itself
synthesize() - Method in class learner.Learner
Synthesizes the observation table to an fta.
synthesize() - Method in class learner.ObservationTable
Synthesizes a finite tree automata from the observation table.


tallMonadic() - Static method in class learner.Language
Teacher - Interface in learner
Models a Minimal Adequate Teacher; an oracle capable of answering equivalence and membership queries.
toString() - Method in class learner.CartesianFTA.CartesianState
toString() - Method in class learner.FiniteTreeAutomata
toString() - Method in class learner.ObservationTable
toString() - Method in class learner.RankedSymbol
toString() - Method in class learner.Transition
toString() - Method in class learner.TransitionTable
toString() - Method in class learner.Tree
totalTime - Static variable in class learner.Scribe
Transition - Class in learner
The class Transition represents a rewriting.
Transition(RankedSymbol, Vector<String>, String) - Constructor for class learner.Transition
Create a new transition
Transition(String, Vector<String>, String) - Constructor for class learner.Transition
Create a new transition
TransitionTable - Class in learner
The class TransitionTable allows for search and organisation of a set of transitions.
TransitionTable() - Constructor for class learner.TransitionTable
Creates a new TranstionTable an initialises the transition set.
Tree - Class in learner
Represents ordered, labelled trees.
Tree(RankedSymbol, Vector<Tree>) - Constructor for class learner.Tree
Constructs a new labelled tree with root node root and subtrees as defined by subtrees.
Tree(String) - Constructor for class learner.Tree
Constructs a new labelled tree from a string.
typedFormula() - Static method in class learner.Language


untypedFormula() - Static method in class learner.Language
updateColumns(Tree) - Method in class learner.ObservationTable
updateRows(Tree) - Method in class learner.ObservationTable