
  • Associate Professor, Umeå University
  • Leading Cyber Analytics and Learning Group
  • Senior Member, ADSLab
  • Member, Umeå AI

  • Cyber Analytics and Learning Group [ADSlab]

    Alumni (Postdocs, PhD Students, Visitors, and Interns)

    Those who worked with my Group but not forgotten.

    Past Postdocs

    1. Kshirsagar Sahoo (2022 - 2024), now Assistant Professor, SRM University, India
    2. Xuan-Son Vu (2020 - 2022), now Senior Research Engineer, Umeå University, Sweden

    Past PhD Students

    1. Sourasekhar Banerjee (Advisor, ADSlab, Department of Computing Science, UMU), Advancing Federated Learning: Algorithms and Usecases, September 2024.
    2. Javad Forough (Co-advisor, ADSlab, Department of Computing Science, UMU), Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Edge Clouds, February 2024 [Led the project].
    3. Tobias Sundqvist (Co-advisor, ADSlab, Department of Computing Science, UMU), Machine Learning-based Diagnostics and Observability in Mobile Networks, April 2023 [Led the project].
    4. Enkhtur Tsogbaatar (Co-advisor, IPlab, NAIST, Japan), Deep Learning-based Cyberattacks Behaviour Analysis for IoT Ecosystem, February 2022 [Led the project].

    Past Interns

    1. Anatasia Brinati, Erasmus+, Master in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Rome, Tor Vergata, Italy. [August 2024 – January 2025].
    2. Buchammagari Avinash Reddy, B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering final year student at IIIT Nayaraipur, Raipur, India. [Period: January 2023 - May 2024].
    3. Ryosuke Araki, Master in Cybersecurity student at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Nara, Japan. [Period: November 2022 - April 2023].
    4. Himika Das, Master in Applied Mathematics student at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Tirupati, India. [Period: May-August, 2022].
    5. Adil Bin Bhutto, B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering final year student at Tezpur University (a Central University), India. [Period: February 2021 - April 2022].

    Past Postgraduate Students

    1. Edvin Hellquist, MS in Interaction Technology and Design, Autumn 2024 (Evaluating Security for JavaScript-based Front-End Frameworks), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    2. Mathias Hallberg, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Spring 2024 (Carbon-aware Scheduling in Kubernetes), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.

    3. 2023
    4. Oskar Linden, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Spring 2023 (A comparison of a single-region and a multi-region approach), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    5. Albert Gustavsson, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Spring 2023 (A Comparative Evaluation of Failover Mechanisms for Mission-critical Financial Applications in Public Clouds), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    6. Mimmi Edholm, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Spring 2023 (Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Explainability for Ladok Logs), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.

    7. 2022
    8. Jigisa Guin and Sneha Banerjee, MS in Computer Science, Autumn 2022 (An Empirical Evaluation of Machine Learning-Based DDoS Detection Methods), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Calcutta, India.

    9. 2021
    10. Johannes Lindkvist, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Autumn 2021 (VSI-DDoS Detection and Resolution in Serverless Computing), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    11. Kian Nassiry, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Spring 2021 (Evaluation Of Cloud Native Message Queues), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    12. Robin Wallace, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Spring 2021 (Evaluation of Function-as-a-Service Frameworks for Kubernetes), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    13. Jacob Ardnor, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, Spring 2021 (Performance impact analysis for distributed tracing infrastructures at scale), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.

    14. 2020
    15. Nils Hedin, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, June 2020 (Securing Distributed File Systems for Kubernetes), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    16. Sebastian Olsson, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, June 2020 (Self-driving Failure Analysis and Prediction in Apache Kafka), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    17. Alexander Ekström, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, June 2020 (Fault-tolerance Testing: Monolithics vs. Microservices), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.

    18. 2019
    19. Kristoffer Landfors, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, June 2019 (Detection and Resolution of VSI-DDoS Attacks for Containerized Clouds), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.
    20. Olof Holmlund, MS in Computing Science and Engineering, June 2019 (Evaluating record linkage methods for manifold identity detection), Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden.

    21. 2016
    22. Deepjyoti Das, MSc in Information Technology, 2015-16 (A Secure Biometric-based Privacy Preservation Protocol for Cloud Data Storage), School of Computing Science, Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, India.
    23. Gautam Muktiar, MSc in Information Technology, 2015-16 (Outlier-based Approach to Detect Distributed DoS Attacks), School of Computing Science, Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, India.

    Past Undergraduate Students

    1. Mainong Jenbum Singpho, BTech CSE 8th Semester (Design Student Tracking and Support System to Help Course Instructors)
    2. Ram Prajapat, BTech (CSE) 8th Semester (NFC-enabled Payment Solution through Multi-model Biometric Authentication)
    3. Rashmi Sarmah, BTech (CSE) 8th Semester (IoT Enabled Smart Home Module)
    4. Manasjyoti Bhuyan, BTech (CSE) 8th Semester (IoT Enabled Smart Home Module)

    5. 2016
    6. Ram Prajapat, BTech (CSE) 7th Semester (Simulation of Real-time Road Traffic Control System)
    7. Shubham Chetry, BTech (CSE) 7th Semester (Development of DNS Amplification Attack Detection)
    8. Jafar Sharif, BTech (CSE) 7th Semester (Development of DNS Amplification Attack Detection)
    9. Rashmi Sarmah, BTech (CSE) 7th Semester (Development of IoT Enabled Smart Home System)
    10. Manasjyoti Bhuyan, BTech (CSE) 7th Semester (Development of IoT Enabled Smart Home System)
    11. Saurabh Choudhury, BTech (CSE) 8th Semester (2-PAKE Cryptographic Protocol Design)
    12. Abhishek Kalwar, BTech (CSE) 8th Semester (Design and Analysis of Graph-based Visualization Tool to Detect Low-rate Attack Detection)

    13. 2015
    14. Biswajit Bora and Manish Jain, B.Tech. (CSE) 7th Semester (Mobile Application Development)
    15. Bikiran Das and Souravjyoti Barman, B.Tech. (CSE) 7th Semester (Mobile Application Development)
    16. Devraj Sarma and Pankaj Borah, B.Tech. (CSE) 7th Semester (Mobile Application Development)