
  • Associate Professor, Umeå University
  • Leading Cyber Analytics and Learning Group
  • Senior Member, ADSLab
  • Member, Umeå AI

  • Bio

    Monowar Bhuyan is an Associate Professor (universitetslektor) in the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden. He established a research group on Cyber Analytics and Learning, part of a larger environment known as Autonomous Distributed Systems Lab (ADSlab) through multiple research grants earned from national (three STINTs, WASP, two WASP-NESTs, Kempe Foundation) and international (three European Commission's projects and one STINT with NTU Singapore, another STINT with IIT Patna, and last one is STINT international postdoc) funding agencies that attracts more than 35 MSEK, more specifically significantly funded by WASP, Sweden. ADSlab has several groups, who works in different areas within distributed systems and beyond. Before this, he held an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden, from January 2020 - November 2024, was a Visiting Researcher in the Laboratory for Cyber Resilience led by Prof. Youki Kadobayashi at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan, from April to December 2019 funded by NICT, Japan. Monowar held Researcher position in the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden, from September 2017 to December 2019. He worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, India, from November 2016 to September 2019, however, the last two years were on lien to Europe and Japan. Before that, he served as Assistant Professor in the same Department from July 2013 to October 2016. He worked as a Senior Researcher position in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tezpur University, India from January 2009 to June 2013. His primarily research interest includes machine learning, anomaly detection, systems and AI security, edge AI, and distributed systems.

    Monowar Bhuyan was born and brought up at Goalpara, Assam (North-eastern Region of India). Later, he moved to Tezpur on August 2007 where he obtained his M.Tech. and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering with specialization in machine learning and computer security from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Tezpur University (a Central University), Assam, India in 2009 and 2014, respectively. He was advised by Prof. Dhruba Kr. Bhattacharyya, Tezpur University (a Central University), Tezpur, India and Prof. Jugal Kr. Kalita, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA. He obtained B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering from The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), New Delhi, India. During his Ph.D., he was awarded Senior Research Fellow (SRF) from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India.

    Monowar has published several articles in reputed international conferences and journals and written a book on network traffic anomaly detection and prevention with Springer International, Germany. Monowar received best paper award in ACM ICACCI 2012, India, and ICONIP 2023, China, for his contributions. He bagged Best Faculty Award at Assam Kaziranga University in 2016. ISOC Kolkata and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India was also awarded a fellowship for attending the IETF 98 physical meeting held on March 26-31, 2017 at Chicago, Illinois, USA.

    Recent News

    • 3/2025 - Congratulations Obaidullah and team! - a paper accepted in IEEE ICME, June 30-July 4, 2025, Nantes, France.
    • 2/2025 - Monowar joined as Special Session Chair of ICONIP 2025, OIST, Japan, Nov 20-24, 2025 (please consider to submit your tutorial proposal).
    • 1/2025 - Congratulations Ankur and team! - a paper accepted in IEEE NOMS, May 12-16, 2025, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
    • 10/2024 - Currently looking for a PhD student with focus on serverless edge AI at Umeå University (UmU), Sweden, funded by EU Horizon Europe project, COGNIT (See here for all open positions at UmU, you may reach out to me via Email for any queries).
    • 10/2024 - Monowar joined as Tutorial Chair of IEEE CAI 2025 Santa Clara, California, USA, May 5-7, 2025 (please consider to submit your tutorial proposal).
    • 10/2024 - Currently looking for a postdoc in secure federated learning at Umeå University, Sweden (See here for details, you may reach out to me via Email for any queries), Deadline: Dec 23, 2024.
    • 11/2023 - Currenly looking for a PhD student in DDoS attacks and defences in cloud-edge continuum at Umeå University, Sweden in collaboration Linkoping University and KTH, funded by WASP-NEST (See here for details, you may reach to me via Email for any queries), Deadline: Feb 16, 2024.
    • 11/2023 - Monowar joined as PC Chair of IEEE AITest 2024 July 15-18, Shanghai, China (please consider to submit your unpublished work).
    • 11/2023 - Congratulations Anindya! - received a Best Paper Award in ICONIP2023, 30th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Changsha, China, November 20-23, 2023, which is the annual flagship conference of Asia Pacific Neural Network Society (APNNS).
    • 11/2023 - Congratulations Kshirsagar! - a paper accepted in IEEE BigData workshop, Dec 15-18, 2023, Italy.
    • 9/2023 - Congratulations Tobias! - papers accepted in IEEE TNSM 2023, USA.
    • 9/2023 - Congratulations Javad and Araki! - papers accepted in IEEE TrustCom 2023 Nov 1-3, Exeter, UK.
    • 4/2023 - Looking for a postdoc in federated learning at Umeå University, Sweden (Deadline: May 30, 2023).
    • 4/2023 - Looking for a PhD student in serverless edge intelligence at Umeå University, Sweden (Deadline: May 11, 2023).
    • 1/2023 - Congratulations! Tobias - a paper accepted in IEEE/ACM CCGRID, May 1-4, 2023, Bengaluru, India.
    • 11/2022 - Looking for a PhD student in representation learning with Professor Virginia Dignum at Umeå University, Sweden (Deadline: December 20, 2022).
    • 7/2022 - Looking for a postdoc in federated learning at Umeå University, Sweden (Deadline: July 30, 2022).
    • 2/2022 - Looking for candidates for 15 positions and fellowships within the ADS Lab at Umeå University, Sweden (you can see more details in the link).
    • 12/2021 - - Hiring - attractive six postdocs in distributed systems at Umeå University, Sweden (Deadline for application - February 13, 2022).

    • If you are a student interested in working with me, read this first.

    Funded by

    We gratefully acknowledge support from the grant agencies below.