Erik Elmroth
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2024 A. Seo and E. Elmroth. Pioneering Eco-Efficiency in Cloud Computing: The Carbon-Conscious Federated Reinforcement Learning (CCFRL) Approach. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted, 2024. J Forough, H Haddadi, M Bhuyan, and E Elmroth. Efficient Anomaly Detection for Edge Clouds: Mitigating Data and Resource Constraints IEEE Access, 2024. A. Mudgal, A. Verma, M. Singh, K. S. Sahoo, E. Elmroth and M. Bhuyan, FloRa: Flow Table Low-Rate Overflow Reconnaissance and Detection in SDN. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2024. doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2024.3446178 S. Banerjee, D. Bhuyan, E. Elmroth and M. Bhuyan, Cost-Efficient Feature Selection for Horizontal Federated Learning. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2024. doi: 10.1109/TAI.2024.3436664. C. Meyers, T. Löfstedt, and E. Elmroth, Massively Parallel Evasion Attacks and the Pitfalls of Adversarial Retraining, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things, vol. 10, Jul. 2024 (Best Paper Award at EAI AICSEC 2023.) T. Sundqvist, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. Robust procedural learning for anomaly detection and observability in 5G RAN. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 1432-1445, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2023.3321401 C. Nguyen, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. State-aware Application Placement in Mobile Edge Clouds, in CLOSER - 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, 2024. 2023 L. Kidane, P. Townend, T. Metsch, and E. Elmroth. Automated Hyperparameter Tuning for Adaptive Cloud Workload Prediction, The 12th International Workshop on Cloud and Edge Computing, and Applications Management (CloudAM 2023), 2023. A. Rahmanian, A. Ali-Eldin, S.K. Tesfatsion, B. Skubic, H. Gustafsson, P. Shenoy, and E. Elmroth. RAVAS: Interference-Aware Model Selection and Resource Allocation for Live Edge Video Analytics. The 8th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2023), pp. 27-39, 2023. E. Seo and E. Elmroth. MadFed: Enhancing Federated Learning with Marginal-data Model Fusion. IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 102669-102680, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3315654 J. Forough, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. Unified Identification of Anomalies on the Edge: A Hybrid Sequential PGM Approach. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), 2023. R. Araki, K.S. Sahoo, Y. Taenaka, Y. Kadobayashi, E. Elmroth, M. Bhuyan. Detecting DDoS Attacks on the Network Edge: An Information-Theoretic Correlation Analysis. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), 2023. C. Meyers, T. Löfstedt, and E. Elmroth. Safety-critical computer vision: An empirical survey of adversarial evasion attacks and defenses on computer vision systems. Artificial Intelligence Review,56 (Suppl 1), pp. 217-251 (2023). J. Forough, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. Anomaly Detection and Resolution on the Edge: Solutions and Future Directions. The 17th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2023), 2023. O. Larsson, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. The Impact of Directed Pod Eviction on Kubernetes Resource Utilization. The 17th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2023), pp. 81-90, 2023. doi: 10.1109/SOSE58276.2023.00016. M.R.S. Sedghpour, A.O. Duque, X. Cai, B. Skubic, E. Elmroth, C. Klein, and J. Tordsson. HydraGen: A Microservice Benchmark Generator. IEEE CLOUD 2023, pp. 189-200, 2023. doi: 10.1109/CLOUD60044.2023.00030. P. Townend, A. Marti, N. Matskanis, I. de la Iglesia, M. Mancini, T. Timoudas, M. Bhuyan, S. Dupont, P. Massonet, M. Gonzalez-Hierro, I. Valdés, M. Abdou, I. Llorente, R. Montero, J. Kristiansson, D. Olsson, E. Elmroth, P.O. Östberg, A. Lalaguna, D. Bochenski, F. Renzi, K. Swat, and T. Hallmann. Challenges and Vision for a Serverless and Multi-Provider Cognitive Cloud-Edge Continuum. IEEE EDGE 2023, pp. 12-22, 2023. doi: 10.1109/EDGE60047.2023.00015 T. Sundqvist, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. Bottleneck identification and failure prevention with procedural learning in 5G RAN. The 23th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2023), 2023. T. Metsch, M. Viktorsson, A. Hoban, M. Vitali, R. Iyer, and E. Elmroth. Intent-Driven Orchestration: Enforcing Service Level Objectives for Cloud Native Deployments. Springer Nature Computer Science, 4, Article no. 268, 2023. E. Seo, V. Pham, and E. Elmroth. Accelerating convergence in wireless federated learning by sharing marginal data, in The 37th International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN 2023), 2023. 2022 E. Seo, D. Niyato and E. Elmroth, Resource-Efficient Federated Learning With Non-IID Data: An Auction Theoretic Approach. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 24, pp. 25506-25524, 2022. doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3197317 P.K. Deka, Y. Verma, A.B. Bhutto, E. Elmroth, and M. Bhuyan. Semi-supervised Range-based Anomaly Detection for Cloud Systems. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2022. A. Rahmanian, A.Ali-Eldin, B. Skubic, and E. Elmroth, MicroSplit: Efficient Splitting of Microservices on Edge Clouds, in The Seventh ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC 2022), 2022. A.B. Bhutto, X-S. Vu, E. Elmroth, W.P. Tay, and M. Bhuyan. Reinforced Transformer Learning for VSI-DDoS Detection in Edge Clouds. IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 94677-94690, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3204812, 2022. E. Seo, H. Kim, B. Krishnamachari, and E. Elmroth. An ICN-based data marketplace model based on a game theoretic approach using quality-data discovery and profit optimization, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, doi: 10.1109/TCC.2022.3188447, 2022. W. Tärneberg, E: Fitzgerald, M. Bhuyan, P. Townend, K.-E. Årzen, P.-O. Östberg, E. Elmroth, J. Eker, F. Tufvesson, and M. Kihl. The 6G Computing Continuum (6GCC): Meeting the 6G computing challenges, in Proc. of The 1st International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet 2022), IEEE, doi: 10.1109/6GNet54646.2022.9830459, 2022. N.Q. Hieu, T.T. Anh, N.C. Luong, D. Niyato, D.I. Kim, and E. Elmroth. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Management in Blockchain-enabled Federated Learning Network, in IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 137-141, doi: 10.1109/LNET.2022.3173971, 2022. J. Forough, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. DELA: A Deep Ensemble Learning Approach for Cross-layer VSI-DDoS Detection on the Edge, The 42th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2022), IEEE, 2022, pp. 1155-1165, doi: 10.1109/ICDCS54860.2022.00114 M. Vitali, P. Plebani, D. Bermbach, and E. Elmroth. Special issue on co-design of data and computation management in Fog Computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, v. 129, pp. 423-424, 2022. L. Kidane, P. Townend, T. Metsch, and E. Elmroth. When and How to Retrain Machine Learning-based Cloud Management Systems. AI for Datacenter Optimization (ADOPT'22), Proceedings of The IEEE IPDPS Workshops, IEEE, 2022, pp. 688-698, doi: 10.1109/IPDPSW55747.2022.00120. A.O. Duque, C. Klein, J. Feng, X. Cai, B. Skubic, and E. Elmroth. A Qualitative Evaluation of Service Mesh-based Traffic Management for Mobile Edge Cloud, The 22th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2022), 2022 pp. 210-219. doi: 10.1109/CCGrid54584.2022.00030. T. Sundqvist, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. Unsupervised root-cause identification of software bugs in 5G RAN, IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2022), IEEE, pp. 624-630, 2022. T. Sundqvist, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. Uncovering latency anomalies in 5G RAN-A combination learner approach, 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), IEEE, pp. 621-629, 2022. 2021 S. Banerjee, E. Elmroth, and M. Bhuyan. Fed-FiS: a Novel Information-Theoretic Federated Feature Selection for Learning Stability, International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2021), Springer, pp. 480-487, 2021. A. Ali-Eldin and E. Elmroth. Data management, communication systems and the edge: Challenges for the future of transportation, Communications in Transportation Research, Vol. 1, 2021. L. Wu, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth, and O. Kao, Causal Inference Techniques for Microservice Performance Diagnosis: Evaluation and Guiding Recommendations, IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS), IEEE, pp. 21-30, 2021. J. Forough, M. Bhuyan, and E. Elmroth. Detection of VSI-DDoS Attacks on the Edge: A Sequential Modeling Approach, The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2021), pp. 1-10, 2021. E. Tsogbaatar, M.H. Bhuyan, D. Fall, Y. Taenaka, K. Gonchigsumlaa, E. Elmroth, and Y. Kadobayashi. A 1D-CNN Based Deep Learning for Detecting VSI-DDoS Attacks in IoT Applications, International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, pp. 530-543, Springer, 2021. S. Kounev, Toward a definition for serverless computing, Report, Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fur Informatik, 2021. E. Seo, D. Niyato, and E. Elmroth. Auction-based Federated Learning using Software-defined Networking for resource efficiency, in The 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), pp. 42-48, 2021. M. Tamiru, G. Pierre, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. mck8s: An Orchestration Platform for Geo-distributed Multi-cluster Environments, in The 30th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2021), pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/ICCCN52240.2021.952231, 2021.8 H. Arkian, G. Pierre, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Model-based stream processing auto-scaling in geo-distributed environments, International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), pp. 1-10, 2021. L. Larsson, W. Tärneberg, C. Klein, E. Elmroth, and M. Kihl. Adaptive and Application-agnostic Caching in Service Meshes for Resilient Cloud Applications, in The 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2021), pp. 176-180, 2021. L. Wu, J. Tordsson, J. Bogatinovski, E. Elmroth, and O. Kao. MicroDiag: Fine-grained Performance Diagnosis for Microservice Systems, IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Cloud Intelligence (CloudIntelligence) in conjunction with the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021), IEEE, pp. 31-36, 2021. E. Tsogbaatar, M. H. Bhuyan, Y. Taenaka, D. Fall, K. Gonchigsumlaa, E. Elmroth, and Y. Kadobayashi. DeL-IoT: A Deep Ensemble Learning Approach to Uncover Anomalies in IoT. Internet of Things, Elsevier, Vol. 14 (2021), pp. 1-21, 2021. L. Larsson, W. Tärneberg, C. Klein, M. Kihl, and E. Elmroth. Towards Soft Circuit Breaking in Service Meshes via Application-agnostic Caching. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.02463, pp. 1-12, 2021. 2020 N. Q. Hieu, T. T. Anh, N. C. Luong, D. Niyato, D. I. Kim, and E. Elmroth. Resource Management for Blockchain-enabled Federated Learning: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach. arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.04104, pp. 1-5, 2020. M. A. Tamiru, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth, and G. Pierre. An Experimental Evaluation of the Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler in the Cloud, in The 12th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2020), pp. 17-24, 2020. L. Larsson, H. Gustafsson, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. Decentralized Kubernetes Federation Control Plane, in The IEEE/ACM 13th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2020), pp. 354-359, 2020. S. Banerjee, R. Misra, M. Prasad, E. Elmroth, and M. H. Bhuyan. Multi-diseases Classification from Chest-X-ray: A Federated Deep Learning Approach, in The Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2020), pp. 3-15, 2020. M. A. Tamiru, G. Pierre, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Instability in Geo-Distributed Kubernetes Federation: Causes and Mitigation, in The 28th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), pp. 1-8, 2020. A. J. Fahs, G. Pierre, and E. Elmroth. Voilà: Tail-latency-aware Fog Application Replicas Autoscaler, in The 28th International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), pp. 1-8, 2020. L. Larson, W. Tärneberg, C. Klein, E. Elmroth, and M. Kihl. Impact of ETCD Deployment on Kubernetes, Istio, and Application Performance. Software: Practice and Experience, Vol. 50, No. 10, pp. 1986-2007, 2020. E. Tsogbaatar, M. H. Bhuyan, Y. Taenaka, D. Fall, K. Gonchigsumlaa, E. Elmroth, and Y. Kadobayashi. SDN-Enabled IoT Anomaly Detection Using Ensemble Learning, in The IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2020), pp. 268-280, 2020. T. Sundqvist, M. H. Bhuyan, J. Forsman, and E. Elmroth. Boosted Ensemble Learning for Anomaly Detection in 5G RAN, in The IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI 2020), pp. 15-30, 2020. L. Wu, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth, and O. Kao. MicroRCA: Root Cause Localization of Performance Issues in Microservices, in The IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2020), pp. 1-9, 2020. S. Kollberg, E. B. Lake, P. Svärd, E. Elmroth, and J. Tordsson. Spreading the Heat: Multi-cloud Controller for Failover and Cross-site Offloading, in The Workshops of the 34th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA 2020), pp. 1154-1164, 2020. H. Arkian, G. Pierre, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. An Experiment-Driven Performance Model of Stream Processing Operators in Fog Computing Environments, in The 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC¿20), pp. 1763-1771, 2020. J. Krzywda, V. Meyer, M. G. Xavier, A. Ali-Eldin, P.O. Östberg, C. A. D. Rose, and E. Elmroth. Modeling and Simulation of QoS-Aware Power Budgeting in Cloud Data Centers, in The 28th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), pp. 88-93, 2020. C. Nguyen, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. Elasticity Control for Latency-Intolerant Mobile Edge Applications, in The 5th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC20), pp. 70-83, 2020. 2019 L. Jiang, X.S. Vu, A. Ait-Mlouk, A. Brändström, and E. Elmroth. Privacy-aware Data Federation Infrastructure, in The 31st Swedish AI Society Workshop (SAIS 2019), pp. 1-4, 2019. A. Ait-Mlouk, X.S. Vu, E. Elmroth, and L. Jiang. Improving RDF Data through Semantic Association Rules Mining, in The 31st Swedish AI Society Workshop (SAIS 2019), pp. 1-4, 2019. P. K. Deka, M. H. Bhuyan, Y. Kadobayashi, and E. Elmroth. Adversarial Impact on Anomaly Detection in Cloud Datacenters, in The 24th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), pp. 188-197, 2019. C. Nguyen, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. Why Cloud Applications Are Not Ready for the Edge (yet), in The 4th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC19), pp. 250-263, 2019. M. H. Bhuyan, M. Ma, Y. Kadobayashi, and E. Elmroth. Information-Theoretic Ensemble Learning for DDoS Detection with Adaptive Boosting, in The 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp. 995-1002, 2019. L. Larson, W. Tärneberg, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. Quality-Elasticity: Improved Resource Utilization, Throughput, and Response Times via Adjusting Output Quality to Current Operating Conditions, in The 16th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2019), pp. 52-62, 2019. X.S Vu, A. Ait-Mlouk, E. Elmroth, and L. Jiang. Graph-based Interactive Data Federation System for Heterogeneous Data Retrieval and Analytics, The World Wide Web Conference, pp. 3595-3599, 2019. A. Kalwar, M. H. Bhuyan, D. K. Bhattacharyya, Y. Kadobayashi, E. Elmroth, and J. K. Kalita. Tvis: A Light-weight Traffic Visualization System for DdoS Detection, in The 14th International Joint Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI-NLP), pp. 1-6, 2019. J. Krzywda, A. Ali-Eldin, E. Wadbro, PO Östberg, and E. Elmroth. Power Shepherd: Application Performance Aware Power Shifting, in The 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2019), pp. 45-53, 2019. C. Nguyen, C.Klein, and E. Elmroth. Multivariate LSTM-based Location-aware Workload Prediction for Edge Data Centers, in The 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), pp. 341-350, 2019. 2018 V. Karakostas, G. Goumas, E.B. Lakew, E. Elmroth, S. Gerangelos, S. Kolberg, K. Nikas, S. Psomadakis, D. Siakavaras, and P. Svärd. Efficient Resource Management for Data Centers: the ACTiCLOUD Approach, in The 18th International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (SAMOS¿18), pp. 244-246, 2018. A. Cohen, X. Shen, J. Torrellas, J. Tuck, Y. Zhou, S. Adve, I. Akturk, S. Bagchi, R. Balasubramonian, R. Barik, M. Beck, R. Bodik, A. Butt, L. Ceze, H. Chen, Y. Chen, T. Chillimbi, M. Christodorescu, J. Criswell, C. Ding, Y. Ding, S. Dwarkadas, E. Elmroth, P. Gibbons, X. Guo, R. Gupta, G. Heiser, H. Hoffman, J. Huang, H. Hunter, J. Kim, S. King, J. Larus, C. Liu, S. Lu, B. Lucia, S. Maleki, S. Mazumbar, L. Neamtiu, K. Pingali, P. Rech, M. Scott, Y. Solihin, D. Song, J. Szefer, D. Tsafir, B. Urgaonkar, M. Wolf, Y. Xie, J. Zhao, and Y. Zhu. Inter-disciplinary Research Challenges in Computer Systems for the 2020s. National Science Foundation, USA, Tech. Rep, pp. 1-31, 2018. M. Bhuyan and E. Elmroth. Multi-Scale Low-Rate DDoS Attack Detection Using the Generalized Total Variation Metric, in The 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2018), pp. 1040-1047, 2018. A. Mehta, E.B. Lakew, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Utility-based Allocation of Industrial IoT Applications in Mobile Edge Clouds, in The 37th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), pp. 1-10, 2018. A. Mehta and E. Elmroth. Distributed Cost-Optimized Placement for Latency-Critical Applications in Heterogeneous Environments, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2018), pp. 121-130, 2018. J. Krzywda, A. Ali-Eldin, E. Wadbro, P-O. Östberg, and E. Elmroth. ALPACA: Application Performance Aware Server Power Capping, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2018), pp. 41-50, 2018. E.B. Lakew, R. Birke, J.F. Perez, E. Elmroth, and L.Y. Chen. SmallTail: Scaling Cores and Probabilistic Cloning Requests for Web Systems, The 15th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2018), pp. 31-40, 2018. J. Krzywda, A. Ali-Eldin, T.E. Carlson, P.-O. Östberg, and E. Elmroth. Power-Performance Tradeoffs in Data Center Servers: DVFS, CPU pinning, Horizontal, and Vertical Scaling, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 81, pp. 114-128, 2018. G.P. Rodrigo, P-O. Östberg, E. Elmroth, K. Antypas, R. Gerber, and L. Ramakrishnan. Towards Understanding HPC Users and Systems: A NERSC Case Study, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier, pp. 206-221, 2018. 2017 O. Ibidunmoye, A. Rezaie, and E. Elmroth. Adaptive Anomaly Detection in Performance Metric Streams. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 15 (1), pp. 217-231, 2017. M. Shahrad, C. Klein, L. Zheng, M. Chiang, E. Elmroth, and David Wentzlaff. Incentivizing Self-Capping to Increase Cloud Utilization, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing 2017 (SoCC '17), ACM, pp. 52-65, 2017. A. Mehta, R. Baddour, H. Gustafsson, F. Svensson, and E. Elmroth. Calvin Constrained - A Framework for IoT Applications in Heterogeneous Environments, The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systens (ICDCS 2017), pp. 1063-1073, 2017. G. Goumas, K. Nikas, E.B. Lakew, C. Kotselidis, A. Attwood, E. Elmroth, M. Flouris, N. Foutris, J. Goodacre, D. Grohmann, V. Karakostas, P. Koutsourakis, M. Kersten, M. Lujàn, E. Rustad, J. Thomson, L. Tomás, A. Vesterkjaer, J. Webber, Y. Zhang, and N. Koziris. ACTiCLOUD: Enabling the Next Generation of Cloud Applications. The 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systens (ICDCS 2017), pp. 1836-1845, 2017. A.V. Papadopoulos, J. Krzywda, E. Elmroth, and M. Maggio. Power-Aware Cloud Brownout: response time and power consumption control, In Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017), pp. 2686 - 2691, 2017. E.B. Lakew, A.V. Papadopoulos, M. Maggio, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. KPI-agnostic Control for Fine-Grained Vertical Elasticity. In Proceedings of The 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2017), pp. 589-598, 2017. W. Tärneberg, A. Mehta, E. Wadbro, J. Tordsson, J. Eker, M. Kihl, and E. Elmroth. Dynamic Application Placement in the Telco-cloud, Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 70, pp. 163-177, 2017. Z. Li, S. Tesfatsion, S. Bastani, A. Hassan, E. Elmroth, M. Kihl, and R. Ranjan, A Survey on Modeling Energy Consumption of Cloud Applications: Deconstruction, State of the Art, and Trade-off Debates. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 255 - 274, 2017. O. Ibidunmoye, E.B. Lakew, and E. Elmroth. A Black-box Approach for Detecting Systems Anomalies in Virtualized Enviroments. The 2017 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC 2017), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 22-33, 2017. G.P. Rodrigo Álvarez, E. Elmroth, P-O. Östberg, and L. Ramakrishnan. Enabling workflow aware scheduling on HPC systems. In Procedings of The 26th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2017), ACM, pp. 3-14, 2017. O. Ibidunmoye, M.H. Moghadam, E.B. Lakew, E. Elmroth. Adaptive Service Performance Control using Cooperative Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning in Virtualized Environments. 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, pp. 19-28, 2017. C. Nguyen Le Tan, C. Klein, and E. Elmroth. Location-aware Load Prediction in Edge Data Centers. In Proceedings of The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Mobile Computing (FMEC 2017), pp. 25-31, 2017. O. Ibidunmoye, T. Metsch, V. Bayon-Molino, E. Elmroth. Performance Anomaly Detection using Datacenter Landscape Graphs, 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (ACIS BCD 2017), pp. 295-302, 2017. G.P. Rodrigo, E. Elmroth, P-O. Östberg, and L. Ramakrishnan. ScSF: A Scheduling Simulation Framework. In Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, (21th International Workshop, JSSPP 2017), Springer-Verlag, LNCS vol. 10773, pp. 152-173, 2017. 2016 D. Espling, L. Larsson, W. Li, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Modeling and Placement of Structured Cloud Services, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 429--439, 2016. O. Ibidunmoye, T. Metsch, E. Elmroth. Real-time Detection of Performance Anomalies for Cloud Services. In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 24th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2016. S. Farokhi, P. Jamshidi, E.B. Lakew, I. Brandic, and E. Elmroth. A Hybrid Cloud Controller for Vertical Memory Elasticity: A Control-theoretic Approach. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 65, pp. 57-72, 2016. A. Papadopoulos, A. Ali-Eldin, J. Tordsson, K-E. Årzén, and E. Elmroth. PEAS: A Performance Evaluation framework for Auto-Scaling strategies in cloud applications. Tail Response Time Modeling and Control for Interactive Cloud Services. Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS), Vol. 1, No. 4, Paper 15,, 2016. A.V. Papadopoulos, C. Klein, M. Maggio, J. Durango, M. Dellkrantz, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, E. Elmroth, and K.-E. Årzén. Control-Based Load-Balancing Techniques: Analysis and Performance Evaluation via a Randomized Optimization Approach. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 52, pp. 24-34, 2016. M. Sedaghat, E. Wadbro, J. Wilkes, S. De Luna, O. Seleznjev, and E. Elmroth. Die-Hard: Reliable Scheduling to Survive Correlated Failures in Cloud Data Centers, In Proceedings of The 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2016), pp. 52-59, 2016. L. Tomas, E.B. Lakew, and E. Elmroth. Service Level and Performance Aware Dynamic Resource Allocation in Overbooked Data Centers, The 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2016), pp. 42-51, 2016. G.P. Rodrigo, P-O. Östberg, E. Elmroth, K. Antypas, R. Gerber, and L. Ramakrishnan. Towards Understanding HPC Users and Systems: A NERSC Case Study, The The 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2016), pp. 521-526, 2016. M. Sedaghat, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, and E. Elmroth. Decentralized cloud datacenter reconsolidation through emergent and topology-aware behaviour. Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 56, pp. 51-63, 2016. A. Mehta, W. Tärneberg, C Klein, J. Tordsson, M. Kihl, E. Elmroth. How beneficial are intermediate layer Data Centers in Mobile Edge Networks? In Proceedings of Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS* 2016), pp. 222-229, 2016. 2015 T. Metsch, O. Ibidunmoye, V. Bayon-Molino, J. Butler, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, and E. Elmroth. Apex Lake: A Framework for Enabling Smart Orchestration, Proceedings of the Industrial Track of the 16th International Middleware Conference (Middleware), ACM, Article No. 1, 2015. E.B. Lakew, C. Klein, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, and E. Elmroth. Tail Response Time Modeling and Control for Interactive Cloud Services. Submitted for journal publication, 2015. R. Talyansky, E.B. Lakew, C. Klein, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, E. Elmroth, L. Eliezer. Towards Optimized Self-Management of Distributed Object Storage Systems, Report UMINF 15.11, Dept. Computing Science, Umeå University, 2015. P. Svärd, W. Li, E. Wadbro, J. Tordsson and E. Elmroth. Continuous Datacenter Consolidation, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2015), pp. 387-396, 2015. O. Ibidunmoye, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, and E. Elmroth. Performance Anomaly Detection and Bottleneck Identification, ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 48, No. 1, Article no. 4, 2015. D. Espling, D. Armstrong, J. Tordsson, K. Djemame, and E. Elmroth. Contextualization: Dynamic Configuration of Virtual Machines, Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications, Vol 4, no. 17, pp. 1-15, 2015. E.B. Lakew, C. Klein, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez and E. Elmroth. Performance-Based Service Differentiation in Clouds, In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2015), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 505-514, 2015. J. Krzywda, P-O. Östberg, and E. Elmroth. Sensor-Actuator Model for Data Center Optimization, The 2015 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 192-195, 2015. S. Farokhi, E.B. Lakew, C. Klein, I. Brandic, and E. Elmroth. Coordinating CPU and Memory Elasticity Controllers to Meet Service Response Time Constraints, The 2015 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 69-80, 2015. A. Ali-Eldin, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth, M. Kihl. WAC: A Workload Analysis and Classification Tool for Automatic Selection of Cloud Auto-scaling Methods, Submitted, 2015. G.P. Rodrigo, P-O. Östberg, E. Elmroth, K. Antypas, R. Gerber, and L. Ramakrishnan. HPC System Lifetime Story: workload characterization and evolutionary analyses on NERSC Systems, Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC 2015), ACM, pp. 57-60, 2015. G.P. Rodrigo, P-O. Östberg, E. Elmroth, and L. Ramakrishnan. A2L2: an Application Aware Flexible HPC scheduler model for Low Latency allocation, Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing (VTDC'15), ACM, pp. 11-19, 2015. J. Krzywda, W. Tärneberg, P-O. Östberg, M. Kihl, and E. Elmroth. Telco Clouds: Modelling and Simulation, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2015), SCITEPRESS, pp. 597-609, 2015. S. Farokhi, P. Jamshidi, I. Brandic, and E. Elmroth. Self-adaptation Challenges for Cloud-based Applications: A Control Theoretic Perspective, Proceedings of the 10th International Feedback Computing Workshop (FC 2015), 2015. W. Tärneberg, A. Mehta, J. Tordsson, M. Kihl, and E. Elmroth. Resource Management Challenges for the Infinite Cloud, Proceedings of the 10th International Feedback Computing Workshop (FC 2015), 2015. P. Svärd, S. Walsh, B. Hudzia, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Principles and Performance Characteristics of Algorithms for Live VM Migration. ACM Operating Systems Review, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 142-155, 2015. G. Rodrigo, P-O. Östberg, and E. Elmroth. Priority Operators for Fairshare Scheduling. In Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, (18th International Workshop, JSSPP 2014), Springer-Verlag, LNCS vol. 8828, pp. 70-89, 2015. A. Mehta, J. Durango, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Online Spike Detection in Cloud Workloads, In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2015), pp. 446-451, 2015. A. Ali-Eldin, M. Kihl, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Analysis and Characterization of a Video-on-Demand Service Workload, The ACM Multimedia Systems 2015 Conference (MMSYS 2015), ACM, pp. 189-200, 2015. 2014 C. Klein, A.V. Papadopoulos, M. Dellkrantz, J. Durango, M. Maggio, K-E. Årzén, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, and E. Elmroth. Improving Cloud Service Resilience using Brownout-Aware Load-Balancing, In 2014 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), IEEE, pp. 31-40, 2014. M. Sedaghat, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, E. Elmroth, and G. Sarunas. Divide the Task, Multiply the Outcome: Cooperative VM Consolidation, In Proceedings of The 6th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2014), pp. 300-305, 2014. E.B. Lakew, C. Klein, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez and E. Elmroth. Towards Faster Response Time Models for Vertical Elasticity. In The 6th Cloud Control Workshop, part of the Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), pp. 560-565, 2014. A. Ali-Eldin, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth, O. Seleznjev, and S. Sjöstedt-de Luna. Measuring Cloud Workload Burstiness. In The 6th Cloud Control Workshop, part of the Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), pp. 566-572, 2014. J. Dürango, M. Dellkrantz, M. Maggio, C. Klein, A. Papadopoulos, F. Hernández-Rodriguez, E. Elmroth, and K-E. Årzén. Control-theoretical load-balancing for cloud applications with brownout. Proceedings of The 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2014), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 5320 - 5327, 2014. P. Svärd, B. Hudzia, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Hecatonchire: Towards Multi-Host Virtual Machines by Server Disaggregation. In Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8806, pp 519-529, 2014. P-O. Östberg, H. Groenda, S. Wesner, J. Byrne, D.S. Nikolopoulos, C. Sheridan, J. Krzywda, A. Ali-Eldin, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth, C. Stier, K. Krogmann, J. Domaschka, C.B. Hauser, P.J. Byrne, S. Svorobej, B. McCollum, Z: Papazachos, D: Whigham, S. Ruth, and D. Paurevic. The CACTOS Vision of Context-Aware Cloud Topology Optimization and Simulation, IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2014), pp. 26-31. M. Sedaghat, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, and E. Elmroth. Autonomic Resource Allocation for Cloud Data Centers: A Peer to Peer Approach. The ACM Cloud and Autonomic Computing Conference (CAC'14), pp. 131-140, 2014. E.B. Lakew, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, L. Xu, and E. Elmroth. A Synchronization Mechanism for Cloud Accounting Systems. The ACM Cloud and Autonomic Computing Conference (CAC'14), pp. 111-120, 2014. D. Espling, P-O. Östberg and E. Elmroth. Integration and Evaluation of Decentralized Fairshare Prioritization (Aequus). IPDPSW '14 Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, pp. 1198-1207, 2014. E.B. Lakew, L. Xu, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, E. Elmroth, and C. Pahl. A Tree-based Protocol for Enforcing Quotas in Clouds, In Proceedings of the IEEE 10th 2014 World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2014), IEEE, pp. 279-286, 2014 R. Talyansky. C. Klein. E.B. Lakew, F. Hernández-Rodriguez, E. Levy, E. Elmroth. On Guaranteed Performance over Object Storage Systems, Submitted, 2014. A. Ali-Eldin, A. Rezaie, A. Mehta, S. Razroev, S. Sjöstedt-de Luna, O. Seleznjev, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth, How will your workload look like in 6 years? Analyzing Wikimedia's workload. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E 2014), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 349-354, 2014. 2013 W. Li, P. Svärd, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Cost-Optimal Cloud Service Placement under Dynamic Pricing Schemes. In Proc. IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud computing conference 2013 (UCC 2013), pages 187-194, 2013. E. Elmroth, M. Factor, E. Miller, M. Seltzer. Is the Future of Preservation Cloudy? Dagstuhl Reports 2, 102-134, 2013. P-O. Östberg and E. Elmroth. Decentralized Prioritization-Based Management Systems for Distributed Computing, Proceedings of e-Science 2013 - The 9th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, pp. 228-237, 2013 M. Sedaghat, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez and E. Elmroth. A Virtual Machine Re-packing Approach to the Horizontal vs. Vertical Elasticity Trade-off for Cloud Autoscaling. The ACM Cloud and Autonomic Computing Conference (CAC'13), Article no. 6, 2013. M. Kihl, E. Elmroth, J, Tordsson, K-E. Årzén, A. Robertsson. The Challenge of Cloud Control. The 8th International Workshop on Feedback Computing (Feedback Computing '13), 2013. A. Edmonds, T. Metsch, D. Petcu, E. Elmroth, J. Marshall, and P. Ganchosov. FluidCloud: An Open Framework for Relocation of Cloud Services, The 5th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud'13), 2013. P-O. Östberg and E. Elmroth. GJMF - A Composable Service-Oriented Grid Job Management Framework. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 144-157, 2013. P-O Östberg, D. Espling, and E. Elmroth. Decentralized Scalable Fairshare Scheduling. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 130-143, 2013. D. Armstrong, D. Espling, J. Tordsson, K. Djemame, and E. Elmroth. Runtime Virtual Machine Recontextualization for Clouds. Euro-Par 2012 Workshops, Lecture Notes of Computing Science, Vol. 7640, Springer-Verlag, pp. 567 - 576, 2013. 2012 E.B. Lakew, F. Hernandez-Rodrigues, L. Xu, and E. Elmroth. Management of Distributed Resource Allocations in Multi-cluster Environments, The 31st IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2012), pp. 275 - 284, 2012. L. Xu, E.B. Lakew, F. Hernandez-Rodriguez, and E. Elmroth. A Scalable Accounting Solution for Prepaid Services in Cloud Systems, 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Service Computing (IEEE SCC 2012), pp. 81-89, 2012. L. Tomas, P-O. Östberg, B. Caminero, C. Carrion, and E. Elmroth. Addressing QoS in Grids through a Fairshare Meta-Scheduling In-Advance Architecture, In The Seventh International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC-2012), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 226 - 233, 2012. W. Li, P. Svärd, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. A General Approach to Service Deployment in Cloud Environments, In The 2nd International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC 2012), IEEE CS Press, pp. 17 - 24, 2012. A. Ali-Eldin, M. Kihl, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Efficient Provisioning of Bursty Scientific Workloads on the Cloud Using Adaptive Elasticity Control, In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud 2012), ACM New York, pp. 31-40, 2012. P-O. Östberg, A. Hellander, B. Drawert, E. Elmroth, S. Holmgren, and L. Petzold. Reducing Complexity in Management of eScience Computations, In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2012), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 845-852, 2012. P-O. Östberg, A. Hellander, B. Drawert, E. Elmroth, S. Holmgren, and L. Petzold. Abstractions for Scaling eScience Applications to Distributed Computing Environments. A StratUm Integration Case Study in Molecular Systems Biology. Proceedings of BIOINFORMATICS 2012, International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods, and Algorithms, pp. 290-294, 2012. A. Ali-Eldin, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. An Adaptive Hybrid Elasticity Controller for Cloud Infrastructures, The 13th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2012), IEEE, pp. 204-212, 2012. A.J. Ferrer, F. Hernández, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth, A. Ali-Eldin, C. Zsigri, R. Sirvent, J. Guitart, R.M. Badia, K. Djemame, W. Ziegler, T. Dimitrakos, S.K. Nair, G. Kousiouris, K. Konstanteli, T. Varvarigou, B. Hudzia, A. Kipp, S. Wesner, M. Corrales, N. Forgó, T. Sharif, and C. Sheridan. OPTIMIS: a Holistic Approach to Cloud Service Provisioning, Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 66-77, 2012. W. Li, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Virtual Machine Placement for Predictable and Time-Constrained Peak Loads, In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON 2011), Lecture notes of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 7150, pp. 120-134, 2012. P-O. Östberg and E. Elmroth. Service Development Abstraction - A Design Methodology and Development Toolset for Abstractive and Flexible Service-Based Software. In Ivanov, van Sinderen, and Shishkov, eds., Cloud Computing and Services Science, Springer Verlag, pp. 165-184, 2012. C. Zsigri, A.J. Ferrer, O. Barreto, R. Sirvent, J. Guitart, S. Nair, C. Sheridan, K. Djemame, E. Elmroth, and J. Tordsson. Why Use OPTIMIS? OPTIMIS White Paper, 2012. 2011 H. Kolodner, S. Tal, D. Kyriazis, D. Naor, M. Allalouf, E. Bayuh, L. Bonelli, P. Brand, A. Eckert, E. Elmroth, S. Gogouvitis, D. Harnik, F. Hernandez, M.C. Jaeger, M. Lorenz, J. Manuel, A. Messina, A. Shulman-Peleg, R. Talyansky, and A. Voulodimos. A Cloud Environment for Data-intensive Storage Services, 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Cloudcom 2011), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 357-366, 2011. P. Svärd, J., Tordsson, B. Hudzia, and E. Elmroth. High Performance Live Migration through Dynamic Page Transfer Reordering and Compression, 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Cloudcom 2011), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 542-548, 2011. W. Li, J. Tordsson, E. Elmroth. Modelling for Dynamic Cloud Scheduling via Migration of Virtual Machines, 2011 Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (Cloudcom 2011), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 163-171, 2011. P-O Östberg and E. Elmroth. Mediation of Service Overhead in Service-Oriented Grid Architectures. In S. Jha, N.g. Felde, R. Buyya, G. Fedak, eds, Proceedings of Grid 2011: 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (GRID), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 9-18, 2011. L. Tomas, P-O. Östberg, B. Caminero, C. Carrion, and E. Elmroth. An Adaptable In-Advance and Fairshare Meta-Scheduling Architecture to Improve Grid QoS. Proceedings of Grid 2011: 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing, pp. 220-221, 2011. E. Elmroth, J Tordsson, F. Hernandez, A. Ali-Eldin, P. Svärd, M. Sedaghat, and W. Li. Self-Management Challenges for Multi-Cloud Architectures, W. Abramowicz et al. (Eds.), Towards a Service-Based Internet, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6994, Springer-Verlag, pp. 38-49, 2011. L. Xu and E. Elmroth. A Time Interval-Based Credit Reservation Approach for Prepaid Composite Services in Cloud Environments, Proc. 9th European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 2011), IEEE, pp 158-165, 2011. M. Sedaghat, F. Hernandez, and E. Elmroth. Unifying Cloud Management: Towards overall governance of business level objectives, In Proceedings of The 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2011), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 591-597, 2011. L. Larsson, D. Henriksson, and E. Elmroth. Scheduling and Monitoring of Internally Structured Services for Federated Cloud Environments, In Proceedings of the Sixteens IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'11), IEEE Society, pp. 173-178, 2011. P-O Östberg and E. Elmroth. Increasing Flexibility and Abstracting Complexity in Service-Based Grid and Cloud Software. In The 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2011) SciTePress, pp. 240-249, 2011. P. Svärd, B. Hudzia, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. Evaluation of Delta Compression Techniques for Efficient Live Migration of Large Virtual Machines, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 46, No. 7, pp. 111-120, 2011 M. Lindner, F.G. Marquez, C. Chapman, S. Clayman, D. Henriksson, and E. Elmroth. The Cloud Supply Chain: A Framework for Information, Monitoring, Accounting and Billing, In 2nd International ICST Conference on Cloud Computing (CloudComp 2010), Budapest Science Portals Kft, ISBN 978-9-639995-17-8, 22 pages, 2011. 2010 W. Li, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth. An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Consistency-Preserving Caching and Compression of Web Service Response Messages. The 2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2010), DOI 10.1109/ICWS.2010.83, pp. 526-533, 2010. E. Elmroth and D. Henriksson. Distributed Usage Logging for Federated Grids. Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 1215 - 1225, 2010. M. Jayawardena, C. Nettelblad, S.Z. Toor, P-O. Östberg, E. Elmroth, S. Holmgren. Grid-Enabled Problem Solving Environment for QTL Analysis in R. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB), ISCA, ISBN 978-1-880843-76-5, pp. 202-209, 2010. E. Elmroth F. Hernández, and J. Tordsson. Three Fundamental Dimensions of Scientific Workflow Interoperability: Model of Computation, Language, and Execution Environment. Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 245-256, 2010. 2009 E. Elmroth and J. Tordsson. A standards-based Grid resource brokering service supporting advance reservations, coallocation and cross-Grid interoperability. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 25, No. 18, pp. 2298 - 2335, 2009. E. Elmroth and L. Larsson. Interfaces for Placement, Migration, and Monitoring of Virtual Machines in Federated Clouds. In Juan. E. Guerrero (ed), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 253 - 260, 2009. E. Elmroth, F. Galán, D. Henriksson and D. Perales. Accounting and Billing for Federated Cloud Infrastructures. In Juan. E. Guerrero (ed), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 268 - 275, 2009. B. Rochwerger, D. Breitgand, E. Levy, A. Galis, K. Nagin, I. Llorente, R. Montero, Y. Wolfsthal, E. Elmroth, J. Caceres, M. Ben-Yehuda, W. Emmerich, and F. Galán. The RESERVOIR Model and Architecture for Open Federated Cloud Computing. IBM Journal of Research & Development, Volume 53, Number 4, Paper 4, 2009. A-C. Berglund, E. Elmroth, F. Hernandez, B. Sandman, and J. Tordsson. Combining local and Grid resources in scientific workflows (for bioinformatics). Applied Parallel Computing, PARA 08, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Accepted, 2009. E. Elmroth, S. Holmgren, J. Lindemann, S. Toor, and P-O. Östberg. Empowering a Flexible Application Portal with a SOA-based Grid Job Management Framework. Applied Parallel Computing, PARA 08, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Accepted, 2009. B. Rochwerger, A. Galis, E. Levy, J. A. Cáceres, D. Breitgand, Y. Wolfsthal, I.M. Llorente, M. Wusthoff, R.S. Montero, and E. Elmroth. RESERVOIR: Management Technologies and Requirements for Next Generation Service Oriented Infrastructures. The 11th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 307 - 310, 2009. E. Elmroth, M. Nylén, and R. Oscarsson. A User-Centric Cluster and Grid Computing Portal. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 127-134, 2009. E. Elmroth, S. Johansson, and B. Kågström. Stratification of Controllability and Observability Pairs --- Theory and Use in Applications. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 31, Issue 2, pp. 203-226, 2009. M. Jankowski, E. Elmroth, and N. Meyer. Authorizing Grid Resource Access and Consumption. CoreGRID Technical Report TR-0161. Also available in N. Meyer (eds), Grid and Services Evolution. Proceedings of the 3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware. CoreGrid Series, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-85965-1, pp. 157-168, 2009. B. Rochwerger, A. Galis, D. Breitgand, E. Levy, J. A. Cáceres, I. M. Llorente, Y. Wolfsthal, M. Wusthoff, S. Clayman, C. Chapman, W. Emmerich, E. Elmroth, R. S. Montero. Design for Future Internet Service Infrastructures, In G. Tselentis et al. (Eds.), Towards the Future Internet, IOS Press, pp. 227-237, 2009. S. Beco, A. Maraschini, F. Pacini, O. Biran, D. Breitgand, K. Meth, B. Rochwerger, E. Salant, E. Silvera, S. Tal, Y. Wolfsthal, M. B. Yehuda, J. Caceres, J. Hierro, W. Emmerich, A. Galis, L. Edblom, E. Elmroth, D. Henriksson, F. Hernandez, J. Tordsson, A. Hohl, E. Levy, A. Sampaio, B. Scheuermann, M. Wusthoff, J. Latanicki, G. Lopez, J. Marin-Frisonroche, A. Dorr, F. Ferstl, E. Huedo, I. Llorente, R. Montero, P. Massonet, S. Naqvi, G. Dallons, M. Pezz, A. Puliafito, C. Ragusa, M. Scarpa and S. Muscella Cloud Computing and RESERVOIR project, Nuovo Cimento C, DOI 10.1393/ncc/i2009-10388-5, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 99 - 103, 2009. 2008 P. Gardfjäll, E. Elmroth, L. Johnsson, O. Mulmo, and T. Sandholm. Scalable Grid-wide Capacity Allocation with the SweGrid Accounting System (SGAS). Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 20, No. 18, pp. 2089 - 2122, 2008. (Preprint) E. Elmroth and J. Tordsson. Grid Resource Brokering Algorithms Enabling Advance Reservations and Resource Selection Based on Performance Predictions. Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier, Vol 24, No. 6, pp. 585-593, 2008. (Preprint) E. Elmroth and P-O. Östberg. Dynamic and Transparent Service Compositions Techniques for Service-Oriented Grid Architectures. In S. Gorlatch, P. Fragopoulou and T. Priol (Eds.), Integrated Research in Grid Computing, Crete University Press, pp. 323--334, 2008. J. Qin, F. Hernández, E. Elmroth, T. Fahringer. Towards Workflow Sharing and Reuse in the ASKALON Grid Environment. In Proceedings of the Crakow Grid Workshop (CGW'08), 2008, pp. 111-119. E. Elmroth, F. Hernandez, J. Tordsson, and P-O. Östberg. Designing Service-Based Resource Management Tools for a Healthy Grid Ecosystem. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4967, pp. 259-270, 2008. E. Elmroth, F. Hernandez and J. Tordsson. A light-weight Grid workflow execution service enabling client and middleware independence. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4967, pp. 754-761, 2008. M. Ben Yehuda, O. Biran, D. Breitgand, K. Meth, B. Rochwerger, E. Salant, E. Silvera, S. Tal, Y. Wolfsthal, J. Cáceres, J. Hierro, W. Emmerich, A. Galis, L. Edblom, E. Elmroth, D. Henriksson, F. Hernandez, J. Tordsson, A. Hohl, E. Levy, A. Sampaio, B. Scheuermann, M. Wusthoff, J. Latanicki, G. Lopez, J. Marin-Frisonroche, A. Dörr, F. Ferstl, S. Beco, F. Pacini, I. Llorente, R. Montero, E. Huedo, P. Massonet, S. Naqvi, G. Dallons, M. Pezzé, A. Puliato, C. Ragusa, M. Scarpa, and S. Muscella. RESERVOIR - An ICT Infrastructure for Reliable and Effective Delivery of Services as Utilities, IBM Research Report, IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, Israel, 2008. Pre-historic E. Elmroth, P. Gardfjäll, A. Norberg, J. Tordsson and P-O. Östberg. Designing general, composable, and middleware-independent Grid infrastructure tools for multi-tiered job management. In T. Priol and M. Vaneschi (Eds.) Towards Next Generation Grids. Springer Verlag, pp. 175 - 184, 2007. T. Sandholm, P. Gardfjäll, E. Elmroth, L. Johnsson, and O. Mulmo. A Service-oriented Approach to Enforce Grid Resource Allocations. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 439-459, 2006. E. Elmroth, P. Gardfjäll, O. Mulmo, and T. Sandholm. An OGSA-based Bank Service for Grid Accounting Systems. State-of-the-art in Scientific Computing. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3732, pp. 1051-1060, 2006. E. Elmroth and J. Tordsson. A Grid Resource Broker Supporting Advance Reservations and Benchmark-based Resource Selection. State-of-the-art in Scientific Computing. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3732, pp. 1061-1070, 2006. E. Elmroth and R. Skelander. Semi-automatic generation of Grid computing interfaces for numerical software libraries. State-of-the-art in Scientific Computing. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3732, pp. 404-412, 2006. E. Elmroth and J. Tordsson. An Interoperable Standards-based Grid Resource Broker and Job Submission Service, e-Science 2005. First IEEE Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA, pp. 212-220, 2005. E. Elmroth and P. Gardfjäll. Design and Evaluation of a Decentralized System for Grid-wide Fairshare Scheduling, e-Science 2005. First IEEE Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA, pp. 221-229, 2005. E. Elmroth, P. Gardfjäll, and J. Tordsson. An Advanced Grid Computing Course for Application and Infrastructure Developers. CCGrid05, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA, pp. 43-50, 2005. E. Elmroth, F. Gustavson, I. Jonsson, and B. Kågström. Recursive Blocked Algorithms and Hybrid Data Structures for Dense Matrix Library Software. SIAM Review, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 3-45, 2004. E. Elmroth, P. Johansson, S. Johansson, and B. Kågström. Orbit and Bundle Stratification for Controllability and Observability Matrix Pairs in StratiGraph. MTNS-2004. 2004. T. Sandholm, P. Gardfjäll, E. Elmroth, L. Johnsson, and O. Mulmo. An OGSA-Based Accounting System for Allocation Enforcement across HPC Centers. ICSOC'04, ACM, pp. 279 - 288, 2004. N. Edmundsson, E. Elmroth, B. Kågström, M. Mårtensson, M. Nylén, Å. Sandgren, and M. Wadenstein. Design and Evaluation of a TOP100 Linux Super Cluster System. Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience. Vol 16, No. 8, p 735-750, 2004. E. Elmroth, P. Johansson and B. Kågström. Bounds for the Distance Between Nearby Jordan and Kronecker Structures in a Closure Hierarchy. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol 114, No. 6, pp. 1765-1779, 2003. E. Elmroth, P. Gardfjäll, O. Mulmo, T. Sandholm, Å. Sandgren. A Coordinated Accounting Solution for SweGrid. October, 2003. E. Elmroth, Å. Sandgren, and J. Tordsson. Resource Management for Early Production Grids. June, 2003. Y.-S. Wu, K. Zhang, C. Ding, K. Pruess, E. Elmroth, and G.S. Bodvarsson. An Efficient Parallel-Computing Method for Modeling Nonisothermal Flow and Multicomponent Transport in Porous and Fractured Media. Advances in Water Resources, Vol 25, No. 3, pp 243-261, 2002. E. Elmroth and F. Gustavson. A Faster and Simpler Recursive Algorithm for the LAPACK Routine DGELS. BIT, Vol. 41, No. 5, pp 936-949, 2001. E. Elmroth, P. Johansson and B. Kågström. Computation and Presentation of Graphs Displaying Closure Hierarchies of Jordan and Kronecker Structures. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol. 8, No. 6-7, pp. 381-399, 2001. E. Elmroth, C. Ding and Y.-S. Wu. High Performance Computations for Large Scale Simulations of Subsurface Multiphase Fluid and Heat Flow. Journal of Supercomputing. 18(3), pp 235-258, 2001. E. Elmroth and F. Gustavson. High-Performance Library Software for QR Factorization. In T. Sørvik et al (eds), Applied Parallel Computing. New Paradigms for HPC in Industry and Academia. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 1947, pp 53-63, 2001. E. Elmroth, P. Johansson, B. Kågström, and D. Kreßner. A Web Computing Environment for the SLICOT Library. In P. Van Dooren and S. Van Huffel, The Third NICONET Workshop on Numerical Control Software, pp. 53-61, 2001. Also available as SLICOT Working Note 2001-02. K. Zhang, Y.-S. Wu, C. Ding, K. Pruess, and E. Elmroth. Parallel Computing Techniques for Large-Scale Reservoir Simulation of Multi-Component and Multiphase Fluid Flow. In L.J. Durlofsky, 2001 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium, 2001. E. Elmroth. On Grid Partitioning for a High Performance Groundwater Simulation Software. In B. Engquist et al (eds), Simulation and Visualization on the Grid, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, No. 13, 2000, pp 221-233. (In PDF) E. Elmroth and F. Gustavson. Applying Recursion to Serial and Parallel QR Factorization Leads to Better Performance. IBM J. Research & Development, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2000, pp 605-624. E. Elmroth, C. Ding, Y.-S. Wu, and K. Pruess. A Parallel Implementation of the TOUGH2 Software Package for Large Scale Multiphase Fluid and Heat Flow Simulations. Supercomputing 99 (SC99), ACM/IEEE, 1999. (In PDF) A. Edelman, E. Elmroth, and B. Kågström. A Geometric Approach to Perturbation Theory of Matrices and Matrix Pencils. Part II: A Stratification-Enhanced Staircase Algorithm. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 20(3), pp 667-699, July 1999. E. Elmroth and F. Gustavson. New Serial and Parallel Recursive QR Factorization Algorithms for SMP Systems. In B. Kågström et al (eds), Applied Parallel Computing. Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1541, 1998, pp 120 - 128. (In PDF). © Springer-Verlag. A. Edelman, E. Elmroth, and B. Kågström. A Geometric Approach to Perturbation Theory of Matrices and Matrix Pencils. Part I: Versal Deformations. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 18(3), pp 653-692, July 1997. - Awarded the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Prize 2000 for the most outstanding paper published in English in a peer-review journal during 1997-99. E. Elmroth and B. Kågström. The Set of 2-by-3 Matrix Pencils - Kronecker Structures and their Transitions under Perturbations, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 17(1), pp 1-34, January 1996. E. Elmroth. Matrix Computations: Factorizing in Parallel and Surfing the Kronecker Structure Hierarchies. PhD Thesis, UMINF-95.15, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden, May 1995. (In PDF) E. Elmroth. On the Stratification of the Kronecker Canonical Form. Report UMINF-95.14, Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden, May 1995. (In PDF) K. Dackland, E. Elmroth, and B. Kågström. A Ring-Oriented Approach for Block Matrix Factorizations on Shared and Distributed Memory Architectures. In R. F. Sincovec et al, editor, Proceedings of the Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing , pages 330-338, Norfolk, 1993. SIAM Publications. (In PDF) K. Dackland, E. Elmroth, B. Kågström, and C. Van Loan. Parallel Block Matrix Factorizations on the Shared Memory Multiprocessor IBM 3090 VF/600J, International Journal of Supercomputer Applications, 6(1):69-97, 1992. K. Dackland and E. Elmroth. Design and Performance Modeling of Parallel Block Matrix Factorizations for Distributed Memory Multicomputers. In Proceedings of the Industrial Mathematics Week, pages 102-116, 1992. (In PDF) K. Dackland and E. Elmroth. Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of Parallel Block Matrix Factorization Algorithms for Shared and Distributed Memory Architectures, Licentiate thesis, UMINF-92.07, Institute of Information Processing, University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden, June 1992. K. Dackland and E. Elmroth. Ring-oriented Block Matrix Factorization Algorithms for Shared and Distributed Memory Architectures, Report UMINF-92.04, Institute of Information Processing, University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden, June 1992. (In PDF) K. Dackland and E. Elmroth. Parallel Block Matrix Factorizations for Distributed Memory Multicomputers, Report UMINF-92.03, Institute of Information Processing, University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden, May 1992. (In PDF) K. Dackland, E. Elmroth, B. Kågström, and C. Van Loan. Design and Evaluation of Parallel Block Algorithms: LU Factorization on an IBM 3090 VF/600J, In J. J. Dongarra et al, editor, Proceedings of the Fifth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, pages 3-10, Houston, 1992. SIAM Publications.
K. Dackland and E. Elmroth.
Parallella beräkningar på IBM 3090/600E VF: Blockalgoritmer
för matrismultiplikation och LU-faktorisering,
Master thesis, UMNAD-66.90, Institute of Information Processing,
University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden, 1990.
Books B. Kågström, E. Elmroth, J. Dongarra, and J. Wasniewski (editors), Applied Parallel Computing. State of the art in Scientific Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 4699, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2007.
B. Kågström, J. Dongarra, E. Elmroth, and J. Wasniewski (editors),
Parallel Computing. Large Scale Scientific and Industrial Problems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 1541, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
Strategy Documents E. Elmroth and B. Kågström. Sw-eScience. Förslag till ett nationellt forskningsprogram för metodologiska problem och frågeställningar inom eScience i ett SNIC-perspektiv. A strategy document for the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC), March 2007. E. Elmroth, J. Palmgren, Nordic eScience: Research, Education, and Sustainable Infrastructure Services. A strategy document for the Nordic Council of Ministers. July 2007. E. Elmroth. Knowledge Infrastructure for the Fifth Freedom in the Baltic Sea Area. The Nordic Council of Ministers, ISBN 978-92-893-2020-7. 2010.
Department of Computing Science Umeå University |