Erik Elmroth

Dept. Computing Science
Umeå University

* Overview
* Research
* PhD Students
* Publications
* Contact Information

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PhD Students

Ongoing PhD students

  1. Charles Meyers (WASP).
  2. Lidia Kidane (WASP).
  3. Aleksandra Obeso Duque (WASP, Industrial PhD Student, Ericsson Research).
  4. Oliver Larsson.
  5. Nayereh Rasouli (WASP).
  6. Anindya Das (WASP, co-advisor).
  7. Shutong Jin (WASP, co-advisor, enrolled at KTH).
  8. Obaidullah Zaland (WASP, co-advisor).
  9. Zhou Zhou (co-advisor).
  10. Yinuo Zhang (co-advisor).
  11. Adil Bin Bhutto (co-advisor).

Graduated PhD students
  1. Sourasekhar Banerjee (WASP, co-advisor), Advancing Federated Learning: Algorithms and Use-Cases, 2024.
  2. Ali A. Rahmanian (Industrial PhD Student, Ericsson Research), Edge Orchestration for Latency-sensitive Applications, 2024.
  3. Javad Forough (WASP), Machine Learning for Anomaly Detection in Edge Clouds, 2024.
  4. Tobias Sundqvist (WASP, Industrial PhD Student, TietoEvry), Machine Learning-based Diagnostics and Observability in Mobile Networks, 2023.
  5. Hamid Reza Arkian (co-advisor, University Rennes 1), Resource Management of Data Stream Processing in Geo-Distributed Environments, 2021.
  6. Lilly Wu (co-advisor, TU Berlin), Automatic Performance Diagnosis and Recovery in Cloud Microservces, 2021.
  7. Chanh Nguyen Le Tan (WASP), Location-aware Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Clouds, 2021.
  8. Mulugeta Ayalew (co-advisor, University Rennes 1), Automatic Resource Management in Geo-Distributed Multi-Cluster Environments, 2021.
  9. Lars Larsson, Managing Cloud Resource Scarcity, 2020
  10. Xuan-Son Vu (co-advisor) Privacy-Guardian: The Vital Need in Machine Learning with Big Data, 2020
  11. Abel Souza (co-advisor) Autonomous resource management for high performance datacenters, 2020
  12. Jakub Krzywda, May the Power Be with You: Managing Power-Performance Tradeoffs in Cloud Data Centers, 2019
  13. William Tärneberg (co-advisor, Lund University), The confluence of Cloud computing, 5G, and IoT in the Fog, 2019
  14. Amardeep Mehta, Resource allocation for Mobile Edge Clouds, 2018
  15. Selome Kostentinos Tesfatsion, (co-advisor) Energy-efficient Resource Provisioning for Cloud Data Centers, 2018
  16. Olumuyiwa Ibidunmoye, Performance Anomaly Detection and Resolution for Autonomous Clouds, 2017
  17. Gonzalo Rodrigo, HPC Scheduling in a Brave New World, 2017
  18. Mina Sedaghat, Cluster Scheduling and Management for Large-scale Compute Clouds, 2016
  19. Ahmed Aleyeldin (Ali-Eldin) Hassan, Workload Characterization, Controller Design, and Performance Evaluation for Cloud Capacity Autoscaling, 2015
  20. Ewnetu Bayuh Lakew, Autonomous Cloud Resource Provisioning: Accounting, Allocation, and Performance Control, 2015
  21. Petter Svärd, Dynamic Cloud Resource Management - Scheduling, Migration, and Server Disaggregation, 2014
  22. Wubin Li, Algorithms and Systems for Virtual Machine Scheduling in Cloud Infrastructures, 2014
  23. Daniel Espling, Enabling Technologies for Management of Distributed Computing Infrastructures, 2013
  24. Per-Olov Östberg, Virtual Infrastructures for Computational Science: Software and Architectures for Distributed Job and Resource Management, 2011
  25. Lars Karlsson (co-advisor), Scheduling of parallel matrix computations and data layout conversion for HPC and Multi-Core Architectures, 2011
  26. Johan Tordsson, Portable Tools for Interoperable Grids, 2009
  27. Stefan Johansson (co-advisor), Tools for Control System Design: Stratification of Matrix Pairs and Periodic Riccati Differential Equation Solvers, 2009
  28. Pedher Johansson (co-advisor), Software Tools for Matrix Canonical Computations and Web-based Software Library Environments, 2006
Graduated Licentiate students
  1. Chanh Nguyen Le Tan, Autonomous Resource Management for Mobile Edge Clouds, 2019.
  2. Xuan-Son Vu, (co-advisor) Privacy-awareness in the era of Big Data and machine learning, 2019
  3. Jakub Krzywda, Analysing, Modelling and Controlling Power-Performance Tradeoffs in Data Center Infrastructures, 2017
  4. Olumuyiwa Ibidunmoye, Performance Problem Diagnosis in Cloud Infrastructures, 2016
  5. Selome Kostentinos Tesfation, (co-advisor) Energy-efficient Resource Provisioning for Cloud Data Centers, 2016
  6. Lars Larsson, Placement and Monitoring of Orchestrated Cloud Services, 2015
  7. William Tärneberg (co-advisor, Lund University), Performance modelling and simulation of the Mobile Cloud Network, 2015
  8. Mina Sedaghat, Capacity Management Approaches for Compute Clouds, 2013
  9. Ahmed Aleyeldin (Ali-Eldin) Hassan, Capacity Scaling for Elastic Compute Clouds, 2013
  10. Ewnetu Bayuh Lakew, Managing Resource Usage and Allocations in Multi-Cluster Clouds, 2013
  11. Petter Svärd, Live VM Migration - Principles and Performance, 2012
  12. Wubin Li, Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Enviroments, 2012
  13. Daniel Espling, Metadata Management in Multi-Grids and Multi-Clouds, 2011
  14. Per-Olov Östberg, Architectures, Design Methodologies, and Service Composition Techniques for Grid Job and Resource Management, 2009
  15. Lars Karlsson (co-advisor), Blocked and Scalable Matrix Computations - Packed Cholesky, In-Place Transposition, and Two-Sided Transformations, 2009
  16. Johan Tordsson, Decentralized resource brokering for heterogeneous grid environments, 2006
  17. Peter Gardfjäll, Capacity Allocation Mechanisms for Grid Environments, 2006
  18. Stefan Johansson, (co-advisor)Stratification of Matrix Pencils in Systems and Control: Theory and Algorithms, 2004
And where did they go?
The graduated PhD students and the postdocs leaving the group have taken some very interesting paths. Most of them are still in research, but a remarkably large fraction of them do this in industry rather than academia, e.g., at IBM Research (Dublin), IBM Advanced Analytics Center (Calgary), Apple (San Jose, CA), Red Hat (Madrid), and five at Ericsson Research (Stockholm, Luleå, Montreal). PhD students going to Academia are now found at Carnegie Mellon University (US), University of Massachusetts Amherst (US), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), and Umeå University. Also a large group of them just crossed the street to our own spinn-off, Elastisys.

Department of Computing Science
Umeå University