September –December, 2011: Teknisk beräkningsvetenskap II (Scientific Computing II)
January 31–February 4, 2011: Module 4 (the Finite Element Method) of the NGSSC course Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing.
November 2010: Numeriska metoder för civilingenjörer (Numerical methods for engineers)
February 1–3, 2010: Module 4 (the Finite Element Method) of the NGSSC course Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing.
November 2009: Numeriska metoder för civilingenjörer (Numerical methods for engineers)
February 2–6, 2009: Modules 4 and 5 (the Finite Element Method and Optimization) of the NGSSC course Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing.
November 2008: Numeriska metoder för civilingenjörer, TF (Numerical methods for engineers)
Feb-March 2008: parts of Teknisk-vetenskapliga beräkningar, TDV/DV (Scientific Computing)
February 4-8, 2008: Modules 4 and 5 (the Finite Element Method and Optimization) of the NGSSC course Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing.