Investigame: "Improving Financial Literacy and Pro-Environmental Choices Using Game-Based Pedagogy and Virtual Reality'' funded by the Nasdaq Nordic Foundation. (2022-2024) University of Vaasa and Tampere University (Finland)
DigiConsumers. Learning to be Consumers in Technologically Driven Consumer Society. Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland. CULT -program (2021-2024) University of Vaasa, University of Helsinki, Pellervo Economic Research PTT, and University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Digiconsumers Web portal
Work package 4: Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education
Roles: researcher using gamification mechanisms using artificial intelligence for guiding young people in financial decisions.Â
STAR-C (2018-2024) at Umeå University, Sweden
Sustainable behaviour change for health supported by person-Tailored, Adaptive, Risk-aware digital Coaching in a social context. Funding:FORTE
STAR-C Web portal
STAR-C Facebook pageKINESIS (2017-2018) at Umeå University, Sweden
AI-based coaching system applied in cross-country skiing. Funding:Umeå School of Sport Sciences
Kinesis demoJonglera (2018-2020) at Umeå University, Sweden
a Multi-agent-based systems for stress management. Funding:VINNOVA
Jonglera demo
Jonglera GitHub sourcesSemantic-based argument building (2014-2020) at Umeå University, Sweden
A mechanism for building arguments using the answer-set programming.
Github sourcesBalansera (2016-2017) at Umeå University, Sweden
Sensor-based and argument-based analysis of human balance
Github sourcesHuman-Robot experiments (continuous)
Multi-agent systems deployed in a Nao robot
@ University of Vaasa, Finland

DigiConsumers - Improving young people's financial skills in a digitalised consumer society
Partners: University of Jyväskylä, the consortium also consists of University of Helsinki, University of Vaasa, Pellervo Economic Research PTT and Economy and youth TAT.
Work package: Game-based approaches and digital tools in financial education Work package leader: Professor Panu Kalmi, University of Vaasa, School of Accounting and Finance.
Talous Tandem v2
This is a prototye of the Talous Tandem software developed as a gamified story to manage the financial, educational, health-related and happiness related variables, when some situations are presented.
@ Umeå University, Sweden
(click in arrow to expand information)

STAR-C: Sustainable behavior change for health supported by person-Tailored, Adaptive, Risk-aware digital Coaching in a social context
Partners: Department of Computing Science, Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, Department of Culture and Media Studies and Department of Social Work Umeå University.
Project period: 2018-12-01 – 2024-11-30
Funding agency: FORTE (Sweden)
Budget: 14'940.000 SEK (Swedish krona)

Jonglera - an agent-based coaching system for stress management
Partners: Computing Science dept. and dept. of Psychology, Umeå University
Project period: 2017-2019
Key words: multi-agent system; argumentation theory; coalitions; stress; psychology

Intelligent cross-country skiing coach
Partners: Computing Science dept. and Umeå School of Sport Sciences, Umeå University
Project period: 2017- 2019
Key words: 3D camera; machine learning; multi-agent system; biomechanics

Autonomous adaptation of software agents in the support of human activities
Partners: Computing Science dept. Umeå University Sweden and Human Performance and Technology Lab., National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Key words: Argumentation theory; Rational agents; Assistive technology; Human activity; Activity theory; multi-agent system;
Project period: 2018-2019

Towards a trusted intelligent coach
Partners: Computing Science dept. and Umeå School of Sport Sciences, Umeå University
Key words: 3D camera; machine learning; multi-agent system; biomechanics
2018- 2019

Mobile sports science platform
Partners: Computing Science dept. and Umeå School of Sport Sciences, Umeå University
Key words: mobile application; multi-agent system; sensors

Partners: Computing Science dept. and Department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Unit, Umeå University
Key words: balance; strength; older adults; multi-agent system; sensors; mobile application

Semantic-based argument building
Computing Science dept., Umeå University
Key words: argumentation, logic programming, well-founded semantics, argumentation tools, stable model semantics, answer set programming

Human - Robot experiments
Computing Science dept., Umeå University
Key words: robot, nao, multi-agent systems, human interaction