Some pictures
This wall is for sharing good research times with all my collaborators from different universities.Â

Computer science team at University of Vaasa. 01 June 2023, planning days at the Wasaline ferry Vaasa-UmeÃ¥-VaasaÂ

My team at University of VaasaÂ

Digiconsumers work packages leaders

Digiconsumers workshop August 2022

My former team at the Interactive and Intelligent Systems at Umeå University - Sweden
(left to right) Jayalakshmi Subhash (Baskar), Chunli Jan, Helena Lindgren, me
@ PAAMS conference 2013 Murcia, Spain

(left to right) Helena Lindgren, me, Nazanin Fouladgar, Timotheus Kampik, Juan Carlos Nieves, Monika JIngar
@ IJCAI conference 2018 Stockholm, Sweden

May 5 2018
In the Swedish winter, outside MIT building, Umeå university, Sweden.
(left to right) Juan Carlos Nieves, Madeleine Blusi, Chunli Yan, Me, Johannes Oetsch, Ming-Hsin Lu, Helena Lindgren, Yeji Hong, Timotheus Kampik
My Ph.D. defense. June 7 2016
(left to right) Juan Carlos Nieves, Chris Reed, School of Computing, Dundee University, Scotland,  Pedro Cabalar, Dept. Computer Science, University of Corunna, Spain, Me!, Frank Drewes, Dept. Computing Science, Umeå University, Victor Kaptelinin, Dept. Informatics, Umeå University, Helena Lindgren

June 7 2016
After defense gathering.
A lot of people from the Department of computing science at UmU

June 2012
Initial core team with Dipak Surie to the right. Praga, Czech RepublicÂ

February 1 2017
Our extended group integrating health care and social work researchers.

February 21 2020
Madeleine playing with a Nao robot

July 2018 Lili JIang and me at IJCAI2018 conference in Stockholm, Sweden
June 2012
Praga, Czech Republic.Â
Esteban, Jaya and Chunli