Principle-based and Explainable Reasoning: From Humans to Machines

Timotheus Kampik

### About Me * 4th year PhD Student * Research interests: * Automated reasoning * Engineering intelligent systems * Also *Scientist in Residence, Product*, Signavio \ SAP (Business Process Intelligence)
#### Outline * In many real-world application scenarios we need machines that **learn** and **reason** * We can explain reasoning by making use of *principles* * *Human* reasoning has been studied from descriptive and prescriptive perspectives since (at least) centuries * Can the principles according to which humans (should) reason inform the way machines reason?

Principle-based Reasoning

Reasoning in Intelligent Systems

How do humans reason?

#### Economic Rationality * Assumptions of economic rationality, **ceteris paribus** (if everything else equal): * "Rational Economic Man" acts according to clear preferences * Has consistent preferences over time
#### Clear Preferences
* Standard economic model for individual decision-making * Chooses from $A = \\{a, ..., n\\}$ * Choice function: takes $A$, returns $S^* \in 2^A$ * Clear preferences: choice $S^\*$ implies $S^*$ is strictly preferred over all other elements in $2^A$ Rubinstein, Ariel. *Modeling bounded rationality.*
#### Consistent Preferences (Reference Independence) * Set of choice options $A, A'$, such that $A \subseteq A'$ * Rational man's choices $A^{\*} \subseteq A$ and $A'^{\*} \subseteq A'$ * If $A'^{\*} \subseteq A$ then $A^{\*} = A'^{\*}$ Rubinstein, Ariel. *Modeling bounded rationality.*
#### Example * We go to a café, on the menu: `tea and coffee` * We choose `coffee` * Next day, one the menu: `tea, coffee, and cookie`
  • We choose `tea and cookie`. Are we rational?
  • We choose `tea`. Are we rational?

Bounded Rationality

  • By now, we know that economic rationality is not a good model of human (intelligent) decision-making.
  • Economists try to adjusts their models accordingly.
  • Key improvement: modeling knowledge in decision scenarios.
Kahneman, Daniel. *Maps of bounded rationality.* Rubinstein, Ariel. *Modeling bounded rationality.*
#### Consistent Preferences in Knowledge-based Systems * We want to determine the relevant citizenship (passports) of a client * Example: case handling of immigration or tax administration * We use decision management software (a real-world system) * The decision models can be deployed to high-scalability engines such as [jDMN]( TK. Nieves, Juan Carlos. *Abstract Argumentation and the Rational Man*.
#### Example: Decision Model and Notation (DMN) * Decision: * Set of ``if ... then ...`` rules * Aggregation function or order on all rules * Graphical/XML model of data sources and hierarchical decisions * Open standard (OMG)

DMN Example Decision

#### Rough Formalization Attempt, Decision Table Tuple $\langle T, I, O, type, facet, R, P, C, H \rangle$ * $T$: table name * $I, O$ finite disjoint sets of input and output attributes * $type$: function that maps each I, O to a data type * $facet$: function that maps each I, O to an *acceptable list of objects* * $R$: finite set of 'if ... then ...' rules * $P$: total order on rules * $C$: boolean completeness indicator * $H$: hit policy indicator Calvanese *et al*. Semantics and Analysis of DMN Decision Tables.
#### Consistent Preferences in Knowledge-based Systems * First, insert ``NO`` (Norwegian citizenship) → ``NO`` considered relevant * Then, insert ``UK`` (UK citizenship) as additional option → neither ``NO`` nor ``UK`` relevant: not rational! * Automated checks of decision management software don't detect this problem
#### There are more principles * Example: legal reasoning, *burden of persuasion* * If several conclusions/decisions are possible * If in doubt, remain consistent with previous decision

"Reasoning Backwards"

  • We also know that humans "reason backwards".
  • We commit to a decision intuitively.
  • We make up a line of reasoning if necessary.
Haidt, Jonathan. *The emotional dog and its rational tail: a social intuitionist approach to moral judgment.*

"Reasoning backwards": Find an explanation that happens to be satisfied

#### "Reasoning backwards": Find an explanation that happens to be satisfied * **Journalist**: *When you were at Chelsea, you were asked whether you would ever come to the Spurs and you said: 'Never, I love the Chelsea fans too much.' What has changed?* * **Mourinho**: [*That was*] *before I was sacked* [*at Chelsea*].
#### Alternative to Reasoning Backwards * Principle-based and evidence-based reasoning * Explaining change
#### *Mourinho* Example * Rule: maximize expected utility/payoff * ``Payoff_Tottenham`` << ``Payoff_Chelsea`` changed to ``Payoff_Tottenham`` >> ``Payoff_Chelsea``
#### Example * Change: new passport reported: ``UK`` * Principle violated: *reference independence* * Explanation, "new" rules that fire * If any passport is EU passport, remove non-EU passports * If ``r1`` then ``r2`` * ``UK`` is ``EU`` in r1 but is not ``EU`` in ``r2``
A Formal Perspective

Kampik \& Nieves. Abstract Argumentation and the Rational Man. Kampik \& Gabbay. Explainable Reasoning in Face of Contradictions: From Humans to Machines.
#### Abstract Argumentation I
Dung, Phan Minh. *On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games.*

Abstract Argumentation II

Dung, Phan Minh. *On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games.*
#### Economic Rationality & Abstract Argumentation * $AF = (AR, AT)$; arguments $AR$, e.g.: $\\{a, b, c\\}$, attacks $AT$, e.g.: $\\{(a, b), (b, c)\\}$ * Semantics $\sigma(AF)$ returns set of extensions $ES \subseteq 2^{AR}$ * Extension $E \in ES, E \subseteq AR$ **implies** preferences: $\forall S \in AR, E \succeq S$ * Consistent preferences when **normally expanding** $AF$ (Economics' *ceteris paribus* assumption) Dung, Phan Minh. *On the acceptability of arguments and its fundamental role in nonmonotonic reasoning, logic programming and n-person games.*
#### Normal Expansion * Given $AF = (AR, AT), AF' = (AR', AT')$ AF' normally expands AF iff: * $AR \subseteq AR', AT \subseteq AT'$ * $(AT' \setminus AT) \cap (AR \times AR) = \\{\\}$ * Only add arguments and attacks, don't change attacks between existing arguments * Denoted by $AF \preceq_N AF'$ (Baumann, Brewka) Baumann & Brewka. *Expanding Argumentation Frameworks: Enforcing and Monotonicity Results.*
#### (Weak) Reference Independence Principle * Given semantics $\sigma$, $AF = (AR, AT), AF' = (AR', AT'), AF \preceq_N AF'$ * **Weak**: no matter what conclusion/extension we select from $AF$, we can infer a conclusion from $AF'$ that implies consistent preferences Kampik & Nieves. *Abstract Argumentation and the Rational Man.*



  • If all newly added arguments are not valid conclusions, $a$ should remain a valid conclusion.
  • Because we make clear decisions we consider arguments either valid conclusions or not (no undecided arguments)
  • Which semantics allow us to be economically rational in this scenario?

Semantics Families

Family Admissibility-Based Weak Admissibility-Based Naive-Based
Satisfied by any established semantics$^*$ No No Yes
Satisfied by - - Naive, CF2, presumably SCF2 and nsa(CF2)

$^*$ Could potentially be satisfied by a semantics that always returns the empty set and hence is in all families.

*Degrees of Monotony* to Ensure Consistency

Limitations of Reference Independence

#### *Degrees of Monotony* Approach * Given $AF, AF', AF \preceq_N AF', \sigma, E \in \sigma(AF)$ * Select an $E' \in \sigma(AF')$ that is *as monotonic as possible* * Degree of monotony for non-empty $E$: $\frac{|E \cap E'|}{|E|}$ * Property is not transitive

'Degrees of Monotony'-Dilemma

#### Learning and Principle-based Reasoning
#### Learning and Principle-based Reasoning * We know that we can mine knowledge and reason about it * Principles are not generally applicable (at least most principles) * Can we learn which principles should be satisfied? * How can we learn (and reason about) new principles?

Learning Knowledge and Reasoning About It I

  • Example: process mining
  • Mine Petri Nets from event log data
  • Formally analyze properties like liveness, deadlock-freeness.
Van der Aalst, Wil. *Process mining.*

Learning Knowledge and Reasoning About It II

  • Example: explainable recommender systems
  • Mine argumentation graphs from (movie) review data
  • Enforce relaxed monotony principles and facilitate explainability.
Rago *et al.* *Argumentation as a Framework for Interactive Explanations for Recommendations*
#### What about "Discrete" Principles in a "Gradual" Context? * Principles of gradual argumentation are well-researched (Baroni, Rago, Toni) * Assumption: from a decision-making context, it sometimes makes sense to discretize * Open questions: does it then make sense to apply some of the aforementioned principles? Baroni *et al.* *From fine-grained properties to broad principles for gradual argumentation: A principled spectrum*

Learning Knowledge and Reasoning About It III

Gap between technology ecosystems
#### Learning to Select Principles * Connect historic data to KPIs * Enforce different principles and select a set of non-mutually exclusive principles that maximizes KPI achievement
#### Learning New/Refined Principles * Humans do this (legal system of any advanced society) * Requires automated reasoning about reasoning * Is in its infancy but a hot topic [Popular science overview of SOTA](


*Explainable AI workshop*: []( Special Issue in the Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal: *Explainable Reasoning in Face of Contradictions: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives* ([CFP](