About Me
Hey there, welcome!
Xuan-Son (Sonny) Vu is an Asst. Prof at the RSS Lab at LTH, Co-PI, and founder at DeepTensor AB. He is also in charge of a tech team (CTO) at WASP Media & Language Arena funded by WASP, working with Assoc. Prof. Johanna. He received his Ph.D in Privacy-aware Machine Learning under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Lili Jiang and Prof. Erik Elmroth. Previously he has worked with Assis. Prof. Monowar, Prof. Iryna Gurevych on NLP, Prof. Seong-Bae Park on Machine Learning, and Assoc. Prof. Ha-Quang Thuy on Opinion Mining.
Before that, he obtained a M.Sc. degree in the Computer Science Department at School of Computer Sci. and Eng., Kyungpook National University, with focus on NLP and Machine Learning. He obtained a bachelor's degree from the Department of Information Technology at University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University.
Research Interest
Sonny's research interest has been primarily focused on knowledge based learning and representation - both for free text and multimodal data to power downstream applications. My awards and honours include the 3rd place for best paper awards at CICLING 2019, best student paper award and best inquisitive mind award at CICLING 2018. I received the best paper award at the 40th Conference of the Korea Information Processing Society in 2014. I am also a co-founder in multiple projects such as AIcovidVN, AIHUB.ML, MLOpsVN.
Projects / Grants
Academic Activities
- 2024:
- 2023:
- 2022:
- Dec 2021: Organizing Co-chair of VLSP2021
- Dec 2021: Organizing a special session at ICONIP2021: Reliable & Secure ML
- Dec 2021: Session Chair at RIVF2021
PhD/Master/Intern students
- Hoang Viet (master student at Liverpool John Moores University): co-supervisor [Period: Oct 2024 - April 2025]
- Arezoo Hatefi (PhD student, graduated): co-supervisor with Prof. Frank Drewes
- Adil Bin Bhutto (Intern), B.Tech. in Computer Science and Enginnering final year student at Tezpur University (a Central University), India. [Period: February 2021 - April 2022].
- Khanh-Tung Tran (Intern), Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam. Now Khanh-Tung Tran is persuing PhD research at UCC, Ireland.
Here are some of my publications:
- Optimized and Adaptive Federated Learning for Straggler-Resilient Device Selection
Sourasekhar Banerjee, Xuan-Son Vu, Monowar Bhuyan
In: Proceedings of IJCNN 2022
- Cformer: Semi-Supervised Text Clustering Based on Pseudo Labeling
Arezoo Hatefi, Xuan-Son Vu, Monowar Bhuyan, Frank Drewes
In: Proceedings of CIKM 2021
- ICDAR2021 Competition on Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comics Scenes
Nhu-Van Nguyen, Xuan-Son Vu, Christophe Rigaud, Lili Jiang, Jean-Christophe Buri
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)
[challenge's page]
- Modular Graph Transformer Networks for Multi-Label Image Classification
Hoang D. Nguyen, Xuan-Son Vu, Duc-Trong Le
In: Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI2021)
[github], [poster] , [slides]
- WINFRA: A Web-Based Platform for Semantic Data Retrieval and Data Analytics
Addi Ait-Mlouk, Xuan-Son Vu, Lili Jiang
In: Mathematics (Special Issue "Applied Data Analytics"), 2020, 8(11), 2090; doi:10.3390/math8112090
- Multimodal Review Generation with Privacy and Fairness Awareness
Xuan-Son Vu, Thanh-Son Nguyen, Duc-Trong Le, Lili Jiang
In: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2020.
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [github], [poster]
- Reinforced Data Sampling for Model Diversification
Hoang D. Nguyen, Xuan-Son Vu, Quoc-Tuan Truong, Duc-Trong Le
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07100, [bibtex], [github]
- Privacy-Preserving Visual Content Tagging using Graph Transformer Networks
Xuan-Son Vu, Duc-Trong Le, Christoffer Edlund, Lili Jiang, Hoang D. Nguyen
In: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2020
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [github]
- ETNLP: a visual-aided systematic approach to select pre-trained embeddings for a downstream task
Xuan-Son Vu, Thanh Vu, Son N. Tran, Lili Jiang
In: Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP), 2019.
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [video], [github], [poster]
- Graph-based Interactive Data Federation System for Heterogeneous Data Retrieval and Analytics
Xuan-Son Vu, Addi Ait-Mlouk, Erik Elmroth, Lili Jiang
Demo Track, In: Proceedings of The 30th TheWebConf'19 (formerly WWW), May, 2019
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [video], [poster]
- dpUGC: Learn Differentially Private Representation for User Generated Contents
Xuan-Son Vu, Son N. Tran, Lili Jiang
In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, April, 2019, 3rd place for best paper awards
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [slides]
- Generic Multilayer Network Data Analysis with the Fusion of Content and Structure
Xuan-Son Vu, Abhishek Santra, Sharma Chakravarthy, Lili Jiang
In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, April, 2019.
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [poster]
- Improving Recurrent Neural Networks with Predictive Propagation for Sequence Labelling
Son N. Tran, Qing Zhang, Anthony Nguyen, Xuan-Son Vu, Son Ngo
In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP-2018)
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [pdf]
- NIHRIO at SemEval-2018 Task 3: A Simple and Accurate Neural Network Model for Irony Detection in Twitter
Thanh Vu, Dat Quoc Nguyen, Xuan-Son Vu, Dai Quoc Nguyen, Michael Catt, Michael Trenell
In: Proceedings of NAACL-HTL’18, at the 12nd International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2018)
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [code]
- Self-adaptive Privacy Concern Detection for User-generated Content
Xuan-Son Vu, Lili Jiang
In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, March 2018, best student paper award, best why-boy award
[Inproceedings], [bibtex]
- Lexical-semantic resources: yet powerful resources for automatic personality classification
Xuan-Son Vu, Lucie Flekova, Lili Jiang, Iryna Gurevych
In: Proceedings of the 9th Global WordNet Conference, January 2018
[Inproceedings],[bibtex], slides
- Personality-Based Knowledge Extraction for Privacy-preserving Data Analysis
Xuan-Son Vu, Lili Jiang, Anders Brändström, Erik Elmroth
In: Proceedings of K-CAP 2017, December 2017, Austin, Texas, United States
[Inproceedings], [bibtex], [video demo]
- Building a Vietnamese SentiWordNet Using Vietnamese Electronic Dictionary and String Kernel
Xuan-Son Vu, Hyun-Je Song, Seong-Bae Park
3rd Pacific Rim Knowledge Acquisition Workshop, PKAW 2014, Gold Cost, Qld, Australia, December 1-2, 2014.
- Improving Text-Based Image Search with Textual and Visual Features Combination
Xuan-Son Vu, Thanh Vu, Huong Nguyen, and Quang-Thuy Ha.
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference KSE, 2014.
- Construction of Vietnamese SentiWordNet By Using Vietnamese Dictionary
Xuan-Son Vu, Seong-Bae Park.
The 40th Conference of the Korea Information Processing Society, accepted on April-9th-2014, pp. 745-748, best paper award, [code].
- Mining User/Movie Preferred Features Based on Reviews for Video Recommendation System
Xuan-Son Vu, Seong-Bae Park.
The 2nd Workshop on Future Researches of Computer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University Annual Workshop, South Korea, pp.21-24.
You can find some of my project code at my github homepage.
I do enjoy a bit of teaching:
More About Me
Here are more facts about me:
- I do a bit photography in my sparetime.
- I enjoy running, playing board games, bowling.
- Office
- Room 439, MIT Building, Umeå University
- Email
- someone@somewhere in which someone is sonvx and somewhere is cs [dot] umu [dot] se