My name is Esteban, I have the Associate Professor in Social-aware Artificial Intelligence chair at the Department Computing Science in Umeå University, Sweden.
My specific research field is formal methods of software agents in Artificial Intelligence, and some of my research interests are:
Software agents: practical reasoning, multi-agents systems (MAS)
Non-monotonic reasoning (NMR): formal argumentation theory, answer-set, logic programming
Knowledge representation: ontologies and knowledge bases and graphs
Hybrid architectures: Machine Learning (Reinforcement Learning, Neural Net.) + NMR
... and at the human side, I have experience using:
Activity Theory (Leontiev/Vygotsky/Kaptelinin's activity and the Engeström's activity system)
Planning theory of intention (Bratman)
We-Intention (Tuomela, Bratman)
I am coordinator and lecturer of two courses at Umeå University:
Contact information:
Name: Esteban
Last name: Guerrero
Email address: esteban.guerrero@umu.se
Web page at UWA: https://www.umu.se/personal/esteban-guerrero/
Physical place:
MIT-huset, Umeå universitet, MIT.C.439
Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå
Web places:
Last update: 23-August-2024
Research and pedagogical activities:
[23-August-2024] [research] I made a presentation summarizing our multidisciplinary work regarding AI-based financial robo-advisors at the DigiConsumers project. The slides of the presentation are in this link.
[12-August-2024] [article] Our multidisciplinary article "Local regulations for the use of artificial intelligence in the management of public records - A literature review" was accepted in the Records Management Journal. This was a collaboration among of Umeå university- Sweden, Sorbone university Abu Dhabi, University of South Africa, and Tampere University- Finland.
[12-August-2024] [article] Our article "Fantastic argumentation tools and where to find them" was accepted article at the The Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA2024) We prepared a Web page where argumentation-based tools are collected, check here: https://people.cs.umu.se/~tkampik/argtools/
[11-August-2024] [article] Our another article "Value-based decision-making in software agents: a systematic literature review" was accepted article at the International Workshop on AI Value Engineering and AI Compliance Mechanisms (VECOMP 2024) at ECAI 2024
[11-August-2024] [article] Our article "Semantic-based Arguments using Logic Programming Rewriting Systems" was accepted at the 17th International Conference on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LPNMR 2024).
[09-August-2024] [article] My article "Financial robo-advisors: review of computational and persuasive mechanisms" was accepted in the Workshop on AI in Finance at ECAI 2024
[25-July-2024] [article] Our article "Semantic-based Arguments via Logic Programming Rewriting Systems " was accepted in the 40th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP2024).
[02-June-2024] [teaching] I will coordinate two courses at Umeå University: Människa-AI-interaktion / Human-AI Interaction (5DV245) and Human-Centered AI (5DV244).
[28-May-2024] [article] Our article in the UNESCO SCEaR Newsletter (Sub-Committee on Education and Research), special issue on "Artificial Intelligence and Documentary Heritage" as part of a project for the InterPARES Trust AI; this work, "The Africa-Europe Gaps of AI Regulations for Managing Public Records" is a joint of Umeå university- Sweden, Sorbone university Abu Dhabi, University of South Africa, and Tampere University- Finland.
[28-March-2024] Invited to review articles in the AI Journal MDPI.
[01-March-2024] [research] I am invited to the Program Committee for the 15th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence ISAMI'24
[07-Feb-2024] [research] I am co-director of the research group Formal Methods for Trustworthy Hybrid Intelligence at the Department Computing Science
[20-Dec-2023] [research] I am reviewer of the 29th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI-2024).
[19-Dec-2023] [research] Selected as PC member for the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-2024).
[17-Dec-2023] BIG NEWS! Back again to Umeå University!! I accepted the Associate Professor in Social-aware Artificial Intelligence chair! 🥳🙌
[14-Nov-2023] [teaching] Video lectures of my course Intro. to E-Business an AI focus are publicly available from Panopto University of Vaasa. See here.
[04-Nov-2023] Accepted the abstract of my paper for submission to the 21st International Conference on Smart Technologies & Education, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland. Title of the paper: "Local causal explanations in a financial literacy game". Topics: Causal logic programming applied to a gamified financial literacy tool.
[04-Oct-2023] Selected as a reviewer of articles for the ACM CHI2024 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
[03-Oct-2023] I received the “𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫” 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI2023. Nice that conferences/journals are recognizing the reviewers’ role. 🤓
[25-Sept-2023] Presentation: Automated tools for Systematic Literature Reviews (https://youtu.be/FmdmhVctAxQ). Examples of using a Machine Learning-based tool for screening articles. Presented to Pellervon taloustutkimus PTT ry / Pellervo Economic Research institute (https://www.ptt.fi/)
[22-Sept-2023] New journal paper! Forming We-intentions under breakdown situations in human-robot interactions. In Press at the Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine journal (IF 6.2)
[19-Sept-2023] Accepted to "University Pedagogy 2" studies (15 ECTS) organized by the University of Turku, Finland.
[13-Sept-2023] Invited to be part of the Editorial Board the section Digital Public Health in the Frontiers in Public Health journal (IF 5.2) led by Prof. Paolo Vineis of Imperial College London.
[07-Sept-2023] Invited to be PC/Reviewer in the AAAI conference on web and social media ICWSM-2024
[05-Sept-2023] I organized and moderated the first AI/social robotics + healthcare research seminar, with guests' researchers from the University of Vaasa (Finland), Universidad del Cauca (Colombia), Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and Tampere University (Finland). More details here.
[14-Aug-2023] Invited to review papers for the 4th International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (MICAD2023)
[05-Aug-2023] On the way my review of the article MR4565594 Kampik, Timotheus; Gabbay, Dov; Sartor, Giovanni A comprehensive account of the burden of persuasion in abstract argumentation. J. Logic Comput. 33 (2023), no. 2, 257--288. 68T30, for Mathematical Reviews.
[26-June-2023] Invited to review a nice paper at the Springer Artificial Intelligence Review journal
[21-June-2023] I received an email from Yannis Ioannidis the ACM President saying that I received an ACM Professional Membership for reviewing papers for IUI conference (my Mastodon, my Twitt).
[07-June-2023] My review of the article "Argument strength in probabilistic argumentation based on defeasible rules" by Anthony Hunter is online at Mathematical Reviews.
[02-June-2023] I was with my computer science team in our planning days in the ferry crossing the Baltic from Vaasa-Umeå-Vaasa. I have a great team😊! See picture here
[01-June-2023] I had a strategy planning for the School of Technology and Innovations at UWASA. Lessons learned: budget allocation for planning the future of academic programs is a brutally hard task considering heterogenous research fields
[17-May-2023] I finished the pedagogical course Basics of University Pedagogy B, University of Turku, Finland.
[5-May-2023] I made my reviewing biding for papers in ECAI-2023... crossing my fingers to have nice papers.
[30-Jan-2023] I have been selected as a program committee of the 14th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2023. Guimarães (Portugal)
[30-Jan-2023] I am sub-reviewer of the International GamiFIN Conference 2023 (https://gamifinconference.com/).
[18-Jan-2023] I am invited to be reviewer of the journal Prisma Tecnológico at the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá.
[17-Jan-2023] I am reviewing demos and posters papers for the 28th annual conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2023).
Current projects
Current funded projects: I am part of two projects to design, develop and test intelligent gamification for financial literacy. Project 1: Investigame, funded by the Nasdaq Nordic Foundation (2022-2024) in collaboration with the Gamification Group at Tampere University. Project 2: Digiconsumers funded by the the Strategic Research Council of Finland operating in connection with the Academy of Finland (2018-2024)(https://digiconsumers.fi), in consortium with researchers at Helsinki University, University of Jyväskylä, and PTT (see researchers here).
Investigame: "Improving Financial Literacy and Pro-Environmental Choices Using Game-Based Pedagogy and Virtual Reality'' funded by the Nasdaq Nordic Foundation. (2022-2024) University of Vaasa and Tampere University (Finland) in collaboration with the Gamification Group at Tampere University, TAT Economy and Youth (https://tat.fi/), and Pellervo Economic Research PTT (https://www.ptt.fi/)
DigiConsumers. Learning to be Consumers in Technologically Driven Consumer Society. Strategic Research Council at the Academy of Finland. CULT -program (2021-2024) University of Vaasa, University of Helsinki, Pellervo Economic Research PTT, and University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Digiconsumers Web portal